How artificial intelligence is changing the face of writing

Ps, This article was written using an A.I software-Jasper. Feel free to try it out for free

Charles Ross
12 min readAug 7, 2021

Artificial intelligence has been taking over many human jobs, but now it can even write for you!

Take a look at this article and explore the many ways that AI is being used in the writing process.

Some writers still like to do it the old-fashioned way, but more and more people are turning to artificial intelligence in order to add excitement and variety to their work.

What is A.I writing?

A.I writing is the process of using an algorithm to write work for you or with you.

The algorithms used by these programs aren’t just random; they are based on a specific type of text that the user chooses, such as romance novels or fantasy books.

These AIs will spit out words based on the rules and settings that you set for them.

How does an A. I write?

The great thing about this technology is that you can get your book written without having any experience at all.

You don’t have to be a writer or even like to write at all.

All you have to do is turn the computer on, sit back and relax while it does the difficult work for you.

This technology churns out pages of material that you can then edit and refine making your job far easier than it would be otherwise.

Related: What Is Ai Writing and What Are Its Benefits?

What is an A.I writing software?

Artificial intelligence writing software is a program that functions as a virtual assistant or writer.

They are designed to use the text that you enter and create their own work from it, making them capable of producing thousands of pages in a short amount of time.

Many people are calling the current generation of software a revolution that will bring about significant changes to many facets of life.

There are many different types of A. I writing software out there but today we will focus on the best Jarvis.

Do you need to write copy for your ads, emails, websites, listings, or blog posts?

Jarvis is an AI-powered tool that will help you generate high-quality copy in seconds.

It’s easy and fast.

Jarvis is a machine-learning platform that uses artificial intelligence to generate high converting copy for any type of content.

It’s the perfect tool for anyone who wants to produce more and better quality content in less time.

You can use it as an all-in-one marketing assistant, or just one of many tools in your arsenal.

With Jarvis, you can create better quality content without the hassle of writing yourself.

And because it’s powered by AI, every word is proven to be more effective than what a human could do alone.

So stop wasting time trying to come up with new ideas — let Jarvis do the work for you!

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Can AI replace content writers?

Yes, at least some of them. But the better question to ask is: Do you want AI to replace those writers?

I mean, doesn’t it sound like a dream come true for content writers who can’t get work but would love the opportunity to earn something while they’re looking for full-time positions in their niche?

Of course, AI will also replace a lot of jobs in other industries. But it’s often the case that new opportunities are created around those lost jobs.

How AI is changing the world of writing?

As the publishing industry changes due to AI, many writers are finding new ways of using this technology.

Writers who master technologies will be able to prosper financially and professionally in an increasingly technological market because they can use it with readers and publishers alike.

Critics disagree on how artificial intelligence is going to change creative writing.

But even so, there may be benefits for all involved if appropriate guidelines are followed when incorporating these machines into their work.

Here are ways artificial intelligence is changing the face of writing

1. Aid as a Research Assistant

An AI assistant can scan the internet for specific information that you need and put together a report, saving you hours of time.

When the technology is refined even further, you may be able to ask it questions out loud and have it respond in kind or call on it whenever you are stuck in some way.

2. Assist with Creative Writing

Sci-fi writers are already using technology to help develop new science fiction stories and improve existing ones.

The AI also has the ability to learn from previous work and make adjustments as needed, providing a more customized experience for each piece of writing.

3. Auto-Edit Your Work

If you enjoy editing your own material, you may want to use an auto-editor first so that you can make significant edits quickly and easily.

4. Write from Multiple Points of View

Creating jobs for AI assistants is a way some authors are already using machines to make their work easier and more efficient as well as interesting and original.

It is easy to see how this technology could be used the same way by professional writers in the future.

5. Create More Material than Human Writers Can Alone

Without artificial intelligence, it would take several human beings dozens of years to complete the amount of writing available on sites such as Amazon alone today.

Digital library archives are growing exponentially due to the Internet and eBooks which means there will be an ever-greater need for AI assistants to improve workflow.

6. Produce Quality Novels with “FictionFlow”

The program, FictionFlow, was released in 2013 by author J.A. London and is used by sci-fi authors around the world to write new works and enhance existing ones.

It takes over some of the editing and grammar issues so that users can focus on content creation without being distracted from execution and focuses creative energy on those who need it most.

Writers who have something unique to say but maybe frustrated by details such as editing their own work or spending too much time formatting for print media like books or paperbacks.

7. AI Creates New Material Based on Your Work

If you are an author who wants to publish your work, you may be surprised at how helpful AI can make it easy for you.

Instead of spending a lot of time writing out descriptions, creating promotional materials, and even book covers, one could simply add in information about the content itself and let the technology handle the rest.

The machine learning aspect will adjust as needed so that anything you add can be quickly added to the plot mix if it fits properly or allows you to easily move on if it doesn’t fit with what is already there.

8. Create Multiple-Choice Work

If you enjoy fantasy fiction but would prefer not to spend too much time thinking up new plots and characters, then simply give the AI assistant some options to choose from.

You can choose one, several or, all of the options provided to determine what will happen in your story and let the technology do the rest.

9. Auto-Populate Amazon Titles with Keywords that Matter to You

Amazon is one of the most popular sites for writers but it does not provide much information on how to make use of keywords effectively.

Rather than using trial and error over time, though, you can simply give them a list of words you would like included as a title that makes sense and have it auto-populate at once so you can get back to more important things like writing.

10. Get Your Book into Print Formats Quickly

With the right tools, you won’t need to worry about the format of your book.

It can be printed or saved in digital formats such as eBooks so that you can have a hard copy for yourself or sell it online like Amazon.

11. Write Web Content Quickly — Even if English is Not Your First Language

For those who are not native English speakers, writing content on websites can still be an interesting and profitable opportunity for you.

Using this technology means you don’t even need to know how to write which makes it ideal for those with different skill sets or experience levels with their second language.

As well as making it much easier to find good sites that will pay writers what they’re worth but also help them improve their own abilities over time by having access to natural materials for use as examples.

12. Clean Up Dirty Content Online Using Deep Learning

Because AI uses machine learning to process information and make it useful for you.

It can take dirty pictures that are posted online and clean up the content so that there is no nudity or inappropriate material in them at all without any human effort required.

It can even scrub videos of their metadata temporarily allowing you to return them to their original state quickly and easily once they have been analyzed with ease.

13. Create Professional-Looking Electronic Books with Minimal Effort

Although many authors enjoy crafting pages of text, others would rather not spend a lot of time designing cover art or formatting books for print formates that might be hard to read on certain devices like eReaders.

The AI platform will adjust the text automatically as is needed to make it look presentable on all types of platforms and in any format you prefer without taking away from the story that makes it worth reading.

14. Make Your Own Translator Using Natural Language Processing

Although there are human translators who can do this for you, you might find yourself spending a lot of time or money to create something simple like a website with information about your company or an online store.

Where people can buy goods from your region or country by using Google Translate to get what they want across even if they don’t speak the same language themselves.

AI can make translations much easier so that it doesn’t take long at all and anyone can communicate with anyone else.

15. Write Stories Quickly and Easily

Stories are complex by nature but they don’t have to be a challenge to write for you anymore.

AI non-fiction writers can help you get your articles or blogs updated faster than ever so you don’t need to worry about is filling in as needed when the time comes.

They can also help you turn those stories into scripts for your own books or to share with others so that they can be read more easily.

16. Get a Second Opinion on Your Story Before You Publish it

Numerous authors have already made good use of this technology by using AI non-fiction writers to edit their work before publication.

This means you don’t need to worry about typos, inconsistent information, or anything else that might be wrong with your story before it hits the market.

17. Get Both a First and Second Opinion on Your Story at Once

Having a human proofread your work is an important step but so is making sure the AI that checks over it doesn’t miss something that you would have caught as well.

By using both together at the same time, you can make sure your stories are ready for print and online publication without wasting any time waiting on people to edit them anymore.

18. Make Money from Your Fiction Writing with AI Non-Fiction Writers

While this technology is best known for checking and editing facts on published work, it can also help you make sure your fiction is ready to be sold online or in print form as well.

If you have a lot of ideas that need to be organized into something more readable, this AI can take care of the editing part and allow you to focus on creating new content instead of stressing over what has already been published to date.

19. Make Money from Your Articles by Submitting Content Directly to Publishing Houses

If you want your work printed and don’t mind an editor making changes to it, you can let the AI handle that portion of your writing task for you before sending anything out to publishing houses for printing.

This can save you a lot of time in some cases and still ensure that your content is interesting enough to catch the attention of many people across the world.

20. Make Money by Selling Directly to Your Readers Without The Need for Publishing Houses

If you write non-fiction but prefer not to submit your work to be printed, you can still use this AI to share it with the world for free.

That means you don’t need to worry about paying anything out of pocket in order to get your information shared without any kind of delay.

21. Get What You Want Without Worrying About Editing Time or Quality Afterward

If you’ve already had something edited by a group of people, you know that it can take days or weeks to go back through everything and make sure nothing was missed.

With this technology, your stories will be scanned for any mistakes so quickly after they’re finished that you won’t have to worry about spending more time waiting on someone else to do quality checking before you publish anything.

22. Have Fun Creating Stories Instead of Focusing on the Editing Part of the Job

Many writers have found that they enjoy taking care of the writing portion of their job but don’t love going back over it, again and again, to make sure everything is okay before sharing it with the world.

With this technology, you can simply let a person or computer program check over it for you so that you can focus on making the writing itself really come to life and keep readers engaged with your content.

23. You Can Let an AI Non-Fiction Writer Take Care of Your Story Translations

If you need something translated into another language, this technology is already being used by some companies today to help people get their content in other cultures without having to worry about it being mistranslated or anything else.

This helps you focus on the creative aspect of your writing instead of worrying about whether it reads correctly in another language format as well.

24. You Can Let an AI Program Take Care of the Writing Process for You Entirely

If you’d like to write but need some way of getting your story ideas organized before putting them down on paper or the screen, this technology can help you with that by taking care of everything else for you so that you can focus on churning out new chapters without a lot of effort necessary.

The AI can do all of the work on your behalf, leaving you to achieve more without having to worry about whether it’s really good enough or not.

25. Get More Done Using a Composition System That Is Already in Place to Help You Write Better

Another AI technology that is already being used today involves the use of a program called Jarvis that uses AI technology to help you get more done.

Jarvis helps you write better by giving you a system for organizing your thoughts, supporting regular writing habits, getting rid of writer’s block, and much more.

26. Get Your Story Published Immediately Without Having to Worry About Getting Rejected by Publishing Companies or Agencies

For writers who want their stories published but don’t want to deal with rejection from traditional publishing companies or marketing agencies, this technology can help you get your content out there in front of readers.

You’ll be able to share your stories with the world without having to invest money upfront on things like editing services and other costly expenses.

27. Enjoy the Benefits of Complete Freedom When Publishing Content Online

One great benefit of putting out content online is that you have the freedom to publish whatever you like.

You can upload something in a matter of minutes and get it out there for all to see, which is why this technology can be so great for writers who want to focus on their writing but don’t mind diving into the more technical aspects of publishing as well.

28. Have More Free Time to Work on Other Things When Publishing Content Online

When you focus more of your time and energy on publishing content online, you’ll have more free time available.

This can be spent focusing on other aspects of your writing that most writers struggle with such as making their stories more enjoyable for readers, getting better at marketing themselves, or focusing on their craft more so that they can write better stories next time around.


It’s clear that AI technology is going to have a big impact on content publishing, especially when it comes to helping writers get their stories out there in front of readers without having to worry about dealing with rejection or other issues.

However, just because it can do these things doesn’t mean that you have to rely on it 100% of the time to get the job done.

Instead, you can focus on some of these tips and use them in order to achieve your goals with AI technology without having to overload yourself with a bunch of different tools or waste money on things like bot traffic that will never actually reach readers anyway.

You can work smarter instead of working harder and achieve the same kinds of results in any niche, and you can even have some fun while doing it as well.



Charles Ross

Top Writer • Award-winning Marketing Expert • Content Creator • Entrepreneur. Social media enthusiast who loves to share tips and trends on social media