Can ChatGPT Cite its Sources?

Yes, I managed to get ChatGPT to cite its sources

Charles Ross
2 min readMar 21, 2023

Table of Contents

· How to get ChatGPT to Cite Sources

Photo by Eric Krull on Unsplash

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly transformed from being a futuristic concept to a tangible reality.

At this point, even the diehard AI critics know it’s here to stay.

The transformative potential of AI in every industry and facet of our lives is immense.

ChatGPT has in recent weeks made waves within the AI community for its impressive ability to generate human-like text.

However, there are still concerns about the ethical implications of AI and how it could potentially be misused.

Despite these concerns, the benefits of AI cannot be denied.

As AI continues to advance, it is important to ensure that it is developed and used in an ethical and responsible way.

This includes considering issues such as bias in AI algorithms, privacy concerns, and the potential impact on jobs and the workforce.

Ps: This piece was written by Jasper AI, arguably the most advanced AI copywriting assistant today!

How to get ChatGPT to Cite Sources

Due to its limitless capabilities, new prompts and uses continue to emerge as users test ChatGPT.

One new development is the ability to get ChatGPT to cite sources.

This is possible by installing chrome extensions called‘WebChatGPT’

WebChatGPT chrome extension

To use it just go to the chrome store and search WebChatGPT or click here!

Once installed refresh ChatGPT and it will automatically show on the interphase.

What WebChatGPT does is it connects ChatGPT to the internet, such that you get updated query results with citations on the source of the content.

You should however run a plagiarism checker to ensure the content derived is free from plagiarism.

Additionally, you can preset the number of results, the time period, and the region from which you wish to get results at the bottom of the screen.

When you don’t need internet access and prefer results from the ChatGPT database instead you just toggle the web access button off.

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Charles Ross

Top Writer • Award-winning Marketing Expert • Content Creator • Entrepreneur. Social media enthusiast who loves to share tips and trends on social media