Chuck Haacker
1 min readSep 20, 2023


Thanks so much, Sadie!

I love your description, "...they look somewhere between extremely fine chain link and lace." That is poetic.

I may hesitate more than strictly necessary because my son is so triggered he can't even look at his own dad's pictures, and creepy Dad loves these leggy animals.

I have American House Centipedes in my quarters. I love to watch and photograph them. They are quite large and extra-leggy. Matt tolerates them only because he knows they are harmless to humans but fierce predators able to take down unpleasant critters twice their size. Fully mature ones can even kill and eat small rodents! I figure they are far preferable to chemicals.

I think I may already have published a story a long time ago on creepy-crawlies I have known and loved, but if I didn't, would you like one? It would be pretty triggering for, say, my son. How could we warn folks? Just a thought.



Chuck Haacker

Photography is who I am. I can’t not photograph. I am compelled to write about the only thing I know.