Wax Digital Brings out TMNT Funko

Charles Holtzkampf
4 min readNov 9, 2021


Today we are going to talk about Wax Digital and its first step into the digital world with Funko. Now with one of their most sought-after collections of Funko Being TMNT. The fanbase for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles starts back in 1983 when the first comic was released in December. The worldwide love for the turtles in a half shell grew beyond belief.

In 1987, the turtles became a figure in every kid’s life one way or another as the tv carton of them was released airing193 episodes. Nintendo released a video game version that every kid in the world with access to a Nintendo would play the game. In 1989, they hit every arcade in the world with a 4 player arcade machine. The love for those turtles and being a stable part of any kids’ childhood makes them so collectible today.

Funko NFTs

It was only a matter of time before the biggest character toymaker would step into the digital world of NFTs. Looking at the cards, they are just perfect in what I as a big kid at heart, would enjoy. Going back to the Panini shiny football cards, these are a great example of what I would want to view on my phone. So let’s look at the artwork now.

I could watch these wiggle all day.

TMNT x Funko Series 1

Get to see Michelangelo, Donatello, Leonardo, Raphael, and some of their foes. The digital pop adventure begins with TMNT on the Wax Digital. These are not to be missed and will only go up in value.

By Looking at the image above, you’ll see, like any other card collection, there are rare cards that are more collectible. The Legendary and Grail cards also come with a physical redemption. These shouldn’t be missed and you will need to hold the card for 120 days. Once the time has passed, you will receive a redemption token deposited into your WAX wallet. Please note the owner of the card after 120 days will receive the token, not the original buyer. If you get one of these legendary or Grail digital cards, hold them tight for at least 120 days. You will have 30 days once you receive the token to redeem your physical pop.

Wax stash Marketplace

Once you buy your TMNT Funko Packs like any version of trading cards, you will want to get rid of duplicates. Long gone are the playground huddles as you eagerly watched the kid in front of you shuffle his cards, hoping to see one you needed.

Welcome to the digital playground for card buying. Wax Stash enables you to sell any card from your collection with ease and the chance to sell for a profit.

When the collection first went live, it created a buzz so wide it sold out within minutes. Now if you were lucky enough to get a Grail card. These have been sold for 4,500 wax coins, which as of today is around $2,500 for an investment of $10.

The marketplace makes it easy to sell the cards once you have opened your packs. The ones you want to keep will still be in your Wax Wallet.

Wax Business

I don’t think Wax gets the recognition they deserve. Funko has been smart enough to partner which such a flawless ecosystem as Wax. In 2020, Funko lost almost 18% of its revenue, but by god, they have bounced back and I surely put that down them stepping into the NFT world with WAX.

In August, when TNMT packs were released, they sold 10,000 packs at $29.99 and 20,000 packs at $9.99, making a grand total of just under $500,000 in one day onto their balance sheet. This helped them achieve their best sales quarter to date.

Third Quarter 2021 Financial Highlights

Net sales increased 40.0% y/y to $267.7 million

Net income increased 17.8% y/y to $18.4 million

Net income margin declined 130 basis points y/y to 6.9%

Adjusted EBITDA2 increased 11.0% y/y to $40.2 million

Adjusted EBITDA margin2 declined 390 basis points y/y to 15.0%

Cash flow from operations of $78.8 million for the nine months ended on September 30, 2021

Total liquidity3 increased 80.8% y/y to $193.2 million

As Funko And Wax hold each other’s hands in the NFT’s era, I can only see this to carry on growing for them both. Funko has the brand and is loved by millions. Wax Blockchain and ecosystem sites make the entire process flawless for the end-user and so simple to take your first step into the digital NFT era.

Written for Sentnl by https://www.facebook.com/loveretrouk/

