Cannabinoid Oil for Chronic Pain

Charles Smith
3 min readMar 18, 2020


I have severe issues that cause chronic pain such as severe degenerative disc disease and Post Mastectomy Pain Syndrome. I have been prescribed medications such as morphine, Vicodin, and other opiates, various muscle relaxants, nerve medications, and antidepressants for many years.

I was a victim of the government’s “war on drugs” and have watched my prescriptions being reduced until they are almost useless. But I never abused my medications neither am I addicted to them. I am dependent on them for pain control that’s all.

Cannabinoid oil

As my medications were reduced, my pain increased, and it also increased with time and I knew that I needed to do something to help myself. Although I live in California and my doctor would have given me a marijuana card, he insisted to completely withdraw from all medications first and then try it. That was something like a criminal request, so I decide to change my doctor and hence I found another doctor. Thereafter he told me to try cannabinoids (CBD).

Many plants contain cannabinoids(CBD).

Cannabinoids such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) produce a euphoric effect, while CBD doesn’t. That’s because CBD affects different receptors than THC.

uses of CBD

The human body has an ECS system that interacts with cannabinoids. It produces its own cannabinoids, which are called endocannabinoids. The ECS helps to regulate various activities such as sleep, immune-system responses, and pain.

When THC enters the body, it produces a soothing effect by interacting with the brain’s endocannabinoid receptors. This activates the brain’s reward system, producing pleasure chemicals like dopamine

My experience was somewhat positive in that it did help me control my pain so much as it helped in other ways. I had problems sleeping earlier and I was immediately able to sleep almost the entire night; What a joy!.

Because of my high pain levels, I experienced anxiety for which I used to buy soma online, but by helping me relax, CBD inadvertently helped relieve my pain. By sleeping more, I felt better whether or not my pain was actually reduced. I did have to increase my dose substantially.

It’s great, I micro-dose a concentrated cannabis vape oil which is delivered to my door and is cheaper than CBD. BUT everybody is different and we all experience things differently so it is best to try CBD for yourself and see how it works for you. You can also Order Carisoprodol 350mg to get relief from chronic pain. which was suggested to me by my physician.



Charles Smith
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