Ghost Hunting with an Ovilus: A Beginner’s Guide

Charles Wooden
2 min readFeb 17, 2023


Ghost hunting has been a popular pastime for many years, and with the advent of new technology, it has become easier than ever to explore the paranormal. One of the most popular pieces of equipment used by ghost hunters is the Ovilus, a device that is said to convert electromagnetic energy into spoken words. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at how the Ovilus works, and how you can use it in your own ghost hunting expeditions.

The Ovilus is a handheld device that is designed to detect changes in the electromagnetic field (EMF). It is equipped with a built-in microphone, which is used to capture audio, and a built-in speaker, which is used to translate the detected EMF into spoken words. The device is programmed with a dictionary of words, and when it detects a change in the EMF, it selects a word from the dictionary that is believed to correspond to the energy it has detected.

When using the Ovilus, it is important to remember that the words that are spoken by the device are not guaranteed to be a direct communication from the spirit realm. They are simply the device’s interpretation of the detected EMF, so it’s important to use critical thinking and keep an open mind when interpreting the words.

The Ovilus also have different modes like words mode where it can say a word based on the EMF, phonetic mode where it can produce a speech-like sound, and random mode where it’s picking a random word from its dictionary.

To use the Ovilus, you will first need to turn it on and select the mode you want to use. You should then begin your ghost hunting expedition, and as you move around, listen for any words that are spoken by the device. It’s important to take note of your surroundings and eliminate any possible sources of interference, such as electronic devices or power sources, before beginning your investigation.

It’s also important to remember that ghost hunting should be done with respect and care. Always be aware of your surroundings, respect the property you are investigating, and never disturb any artifacts or possessions. Always obtain permission to conduct an investigation and respect the privacy of others.

In conclusion, ghost hunting with an Ovilus can be a fun and interesting way to explore the paranormal. Keep in mind that the words spoken by the device are simply its interpretation of detected EMF, and use critical thinking and open-mindedness when interpreting the words. Always make sure to be respectful, safe and obtain permission before conducting any investigation. Happy hunting!

