The Mysterious World of Dybbuk Boxes

Charles Wooden
2 min readFeb 17, 2023


A Dybbuk box, also known as a “Dibbuk box” or “Judgment box”, is a small wooden container, usually intricately decorated, that is believed to be haunted by the spirit of a dybbuk, a malicious spirit or demon in Jewish folklore. According to legend, a dybbuk box is created when a dybbuk possesses an object, and becomes trapped inside it, unable to move on to the afterlife. These boxes are often said to bring misfortune and bad luck to those who possess them.

The belief in Dybbuk boxes can be traced back to the Jewish tradition, where it is said that a dybbuk is a type of wandering soul, a soul that has not found rest and it is seeking closure or redemption. They are believed to be able to possess a living person or an object, such as a box, in order to continue its existence. According to some people, the dybbuk box is a powerful tool for containing and trapping these evil spirits, preventing them from causing harm.

Dybbuk boxes are typically created using a wooden box or wine cabinet, and they are often ornately decorated with carvings, paintings, and Hebrew inscriptions. They are usually small in size, with a lock or a lid that is said to keep the dybbuk trapped inside. Some of them include items inside the box, such as a piece of clothing, a lock of hair, or a photo of the previous owner.

The idea of a Dybbuk box has gained a popularly in recent times, and it is often featured in horror stories and movies. They have also become a sought-after item for collectors of the occult and the supernatural.

However, it’s worth noting that, despite the belief in the power of Dybbuk boxes in Jewish folklore, there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of these haunted objects. Additionally, some experts in Jewish traditions and history have criticized the contemporary usage of Dybbuk box as a way to monetize on the belief, without any real connection to the culture or the tradition.

In conclusion, Dybbuk boxes are a fascinating and mysterious aspect of Jewish folklore, and they have gained a lot of attention in recent years. While they are an intriguing topic, it is important to remember that there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of these haunted objects, and that the belief in them is ultimately based on personal belief and interpretation.

