5 Different Types of Website Hosting | Comprehensive Analysis

7 min readAug 29, 2023


The website works as an employee of a business, a worker who works continuously and timelessly. And presents your business and expertise and engages the prospects globally. Not only this, it literally converts the visitors and prospects into customers. However, websites need a helping hand from web hosting services to do so. Without hosting, they cannot exist. So, today we are to shed some light on the buzzword ‘web hosting’ and five different types of website hosting.

Let’s give it a go starting with the hosting!

Web Hosting

As the name suggests, it is about hosting the website, a web presence, or web product from game to App. So, signing up for web hosting means you are leasing space on a server (massive computers in data centres). For the most part, from the server setup to maintenance, all is the company’s job. You will simply pay the amount and get the features like Bandwidth, RAM, disk space, etc., on that computer for your website.

The web space and features will accommodate your website data (content, images, videos, etc.) and entertain your incoming traffic (website visitors).

In addition to the technical commodities, the hosting provider company also comes up with customer support. Put another way, if you need help with your purchased server, be it the minor to complex query. The web host services experts at the hosting company will help you resolve the issues and queries.

Web Hosting Types

Linux is an open-source Operating System (OS). Thus, Linux hosting is simply the hosting server (machine) that employs the Linux OS. With cheap Linux Hosting, you can host anything from WordPress blogs to online stores and so forth. All thanks to its custom software and support for various programming languages.

  • Unlimited subdomains
  • 99.99% server uptime
  • Support for various databases
  • User-friendly and easy-to-use ‘cPanel.’
  • Extensive email features
  • Boosted security
  • 24/7 customer support

Pricing: Addedly, it has an affordable price, which is why many web hosts and customers favour it. You can get a cheap Linux web hosting server starting from $40 per year, which makes it around $2 to $3 per month.

Windows Hosting Types

Windows hosting simply means having a Windows operating system (OS) for the server. Released by Microsoft, Windows OS supports Microsoft technologies, so it serves right for advanced tech websites. Therefore, if you are planning your website using Windows-based applications and software, cheap windows hosting can be your ideal choice.

The most noticeable attribute is its support for the .Net framework and diverse programming languages. So the Windows hosting providers offer servers to host your ASP, ASP.Net, Microsoft Sharepoint, etc., web products.

  • Unlimited domains
  • Unlimited FTP & email accounts
  • Maximum server uptime
  • Instant backups
  • Various databases
  • Easy, clean, and Ultra-modern control panel ‘Plesk.’
  • SSL Security and more

Pricing: Windows hosting plans are a little pricy as compared to Linux. However, opting for Cheap windows hosting plans by the best Windows hosting provider can save you much, e.g., around $4 to $5 per month. In fact, you can get lot more features than the listed at reasonable prices.

Linux and Windows OS Variance

In short, the concept of Windows hosting and Linux hosting is just the same, “hosting the website.” However, the technology they support makes them different from each other. For example, Linux wields custom software, while Windows avail of the Microsoft software.

These two are the most widely used operating systems/ hosting types, followed by the other operating systems and distros. So all the below mentioned types of website hosting can come containing Linux or Windows as their server OS.

VPS Hosting

Being the Virtual Private Server contraction, VPS is the Hosting that is currently dominating the hosting industry. It seems like every website is availing of the VPS Hosting. Therefore, you must be speculating what actually this hosting means and why it is the apple of every website or business eye.

In VPS hosting, you are sharing a server with a constrained number of users. However, the resources are dedicated to the user with no user influence, just like the dedicated hosting. VPS uses virtualization technology to isolate the users.

  • So, it admittedly is the mediator of shared hosting and dedicated hosting. The former is, shared hosting, as already indicated, is about sharing a server with many users from RAM to Bandwidth. Similarly, the latter is dedicated hosting, leasing a whole server under one user account. Thus, from resources to control and management, everything is dedicated.
  • Now you certainly have got why VPS is the middle node of the shared and dedicated hosting.
  • As far as the benefits question is concerned, there is an exhaustive list as long as your arm. For instance, with VPS hosting, the users get an edge that this hosting grows with your websites.
  • Features of VPS Hosting
  • You can get a number of optimizations to streamline your server performance and website functionality. For instance,
  • SSL; AutoSSL, Comodo & other SSLs Encryption.
  • Any operating system; CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu, Windows.
  • Installation of any content management system (CMS); WordPress, Joomla, MediaWiki, Drupal, and so forth.
  • A wide range of available databases; MySQL, Apache, PHP, Perl, Python & Apache Tomcat.
  • Ease of eCommerce platform; Magento, PRESTASHOP, OpenCart, et al.
  • Caching & HTTP Accelerators; NGINX, Varnish
  • Now, here are the typical VPS features that you can enjoy seamlessly with VPS hosting
  • Root Access down to all resources
  • Standard DDoS Protection
  • CloudFlare CDN
  • Multiple Dedicated IP Addresses
  • Unmanaged & Managed hosting options
  • Easy scalability and downgrading of hosting plans
  • 24/7 customer support
  • Nonetheless, remember, the features vary from company to company and pricing plans.
  • Pricing: Cheap VPS hosting plans start at $5 per month and are suitable for startups and fewer-traffic websites. At the same time, the higher plans begin around $20 and range up to $100 per month, with suitability for larger websites. Moreover, affordable VPS hosting provider allows VPS bitcoin payment option alongside their economic VPS plans.

App Hosting

Apps Hosting is a bit different from the rest of the types of website hosting. For example, interchangeably, App hosting, aka App Server Hosting, is used for Software as a Service (SaaS).

In simple words, you run an application on the server to get the best exposure to the relevant website or web products. The server can be the cloud platform like AWS and GCP or the traditional hosting machines of the web hosting services provider.

P.S: AWS (Amazon Web Services) and GCP (Google Cloud Platform)
It varies; you call the applications the platform, software, CMS (content management system), CMF (content management framework), or simply the frameworks. The hosting environment is improved to lodge all the features of the specific App and functionalities it has to offer.
Apps undoubtedly are boons that enhance the product’s value for the customers by matching their unique needs best. There is a broad array of apps. That is even getting bigger in number every day. Mainly due to the creativity in the Worldwide Web and the IT advancement. For instance, the list can include, but can’t be limited to:

As we already mentioned, it is not just the installed application on the server. In actuality, it comes with a lot of features like security, backups, monitoring, scalability, and more. So, the application and the developed web project can work with peak performances. Not least of all, your App Hosting services provider also offers customer support.

Pricing: The price of app hosting fluctuates depending on the App (that runs on the server) and the hosting provider.
Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of the most famous one from App Hosting; WordPress, a broader term itself.

WordPress Hosting

A hosting environment optimized according to the features required for WordPress websites is the WordPress hosting. That means it can run WordPress (WP) quick and easy.
Millions of WordPress websites are already present on World Wide Web. And many new businesses hope to have WordPress websites to enter the digital world.
So, for them, cheap WordPress hosting is the right call. One thing to mention here is that WordPress.org offer open-source WordPress software — self-hosted WordPress. You buy web hosting services yourself. So you can find a reliable hosting provider where services offer you:

  • One-click installation of WordPress
  • A swarm of WordPress themes and plugins
  • Auto-updates and goofproof security
  • Free Domain name for a year
  • User-friendly control panel; cPanel
  • Unmanaged & Managed WordPress services
  • 24/7 customer support

In contrast, WordPress.com comes with hosting and management. You just have to pay and get a managed WordPress platform to run your WP website. Yet minimizing the customization factor compared to WordPress.org.

Pricing: Cheap WordPress hosting costs are around $2 to $3 per month and range up to higher plans. Of course, if you buy premium themes, plugins, or other hosting features, the pricing will be different and increased.
In addition, the acceptance of cryptocurrency has made things far easier in the web world for users and hosts. So, users can buy WordPress hosting with bitcoin for faster transactions, staying anonymous, and solid security. Not only the WordPress hosting, but you can purchase any hosting or website solution from design & development to SEO with bitcoin.

Wrapping Up!

The web hosting industry is advancing more and more to be apt for the users’ needs with the hosting types to the features. Naming a few hosting services are Windows hosting, Linux hosting, VPS hosting, App hosting, WordPress hosting, and so on.

Original Source: https://www.navicosoft.com/articles/types-of-website-hosting/

