The Clear Course — Spring 2018

An online course in being clear. Starts Monday, 9th April.

Charles Davies
3 min readMar 16, 2018


{Hello. This course has sold out now. But there’s another one in the summer, which you can sign up for here.}

Here’s how it works.

Sign up for the course at and I’ll send you a pack of Very Clear Ideas cards and Identity Yoga cards in the post.

(Depending on where you live in the world, they should get to you within a few days and you can start playing with them.)

Then I’ll send you an invite to the Clear Course Facebook group, which will gradually fill with the dozen people who’ll follow the course.

Before the course starts, you might want to think about things you’d like to get clear.

In the past, people have got clear on these things:

  • Should I change careers?
  • What’s my purpose in life?
  • Should I climb a volcano?
  • What can I do about grocery shopping being really boring?
  • What do I do now I’ve graduated?
  • What should I be focusing on at work?
  • How can I actually get round to writing my book?
  • I think I want to leave the company I started ten years ago but I’m not sure.
  • What shall I do today?

You can use the course to work through your own list of Things To Get Clear. But you’ll also learn how to reliably get from not-clear to clear when it comes to just about anything.

When you have a great idea, but can’t put it into words.
Or want to do something, but you’re not exactly sure what.
Or need to do something, but somehow you’re stuck.
Or you’re working on something, but the pieces aren’t coming together.

Those things.

We’ll practice. I’ll teach you three tools: Very Clear Ideas, so you can get clear on what you’re doing; Identity Yoga, so you can clear away any resistance to doing it; and Initiative Mapping, so you can see clearly how it gets done.

Then, as we work with these three, it just gets clearer and clearer that the tools themselves aren’t so important. That, in the end, being clear comes down to listening. To concentration. To compassion. And we’ll practice that.

And, no doubt, at a certain point in the course, it’ll become clear that really one of the most valuable things is having people to call on. Who we can tell about the things that aren’t clear. And who we can help and be helped by.

I’ve run this course three times since November. It’s based on fifteen years worth of unpicking ideas and identity and creativity— and looking for the simplest, easiest ways to work with them. Getting to the fundamentals.

And, after fifteen years, I’m so glad to have found this way of sharing it: calling together a small group people from wherever in the world, meeting up weekly — and making use of the surprising capacity for intimacy of an online video conferencing call.

You’re very welcome to join. The course costs £200, includes the Very Clear Ideas cards and Identity Yoga cards and lasts six weeks. (If you need to pay in instalments or something like that, get in touch. It’s no problem.)

The group calls are every Monday night at 1930BST and last 90 minutes. The dates for the Spring course are:

9th April
16th April
23rd April
30th April
7th May
14th May

You can sign up for the course here. Or drop me a line if you’d like to find out more.



