Discreet Dating: The Best Way to Keep Your Secret Safe

2 min readOct 10, 2019


When we hear the phrase “discreet dating,” the first thing that comes to our mind is an illicit extra-marital affair. But discreet dating is not as negative a concept as many consider it to be at face-value. There are many reasons why people might want to opt for discreet dating. In this age, when many behavioural experts are saying that humans, by nature, are polygamous; many couples maintain an open relationship or marriage. They pursue extra-marital relationships, but prefer to keep it non-committal by keeping identities hidden. Not only that, many people prefer not to reveal their identity to the person they are dating, unless they are sure that the relationship will sustain. And of course, there are those who have fantasies of dating strangers for the thrill of the experience.

Discreet dating is, by far, the best way to keep a relationship casual. If neither party involved knows the opposite person’s identity, then either can opt-out of the relationship any time they want. There will be no worry about being contacted back or discovered. In most cases, it is difficult to find someone to date discreetly because it is unlikely and impossible that you will convince somebody to such an arrangement abruptly without introducing yourself. This means that discreet dating sites or services are the best ways to meet like-minded people compatible with you. In today’s digital world, discreet dating sites are obviously the most preferred method.

By simple logic, however; it follows that just like a discreet relationship, people will prefer to keep the fact that they are engaged in discreet dating — a secret. Hence, it is imperative to choose only such a discreet dating site that is reliable and has strict policies regarding the protection of a person’s identity. But as an outside user, it often becomes difficult to ascertain which site ticks all the security and privacy boxes. We, at “Top Free Online Dating Sites” try our best to ensure that the discreet dating sites we bring to you are the best and most assured in the market.

So, if you want to date on the down-low or keep it as casual as possible, check out our site for the top discreet dating services. And in case you have any doubts or queries, our experts are happy to help.

