Did ‘Giant’, Prehistoric Discoverers of America Actually Construct the Monumental ‘Inca’ Buildings?

Did they map the World, and establish megalithic civilisation, many millennia ago? And… in Clovis times?

Charles Kos
Remote Viewing Community Magazine
18 min readSep 14, 2020


Did the Incas really build these terraces and buildings at Machu Picchu, or were they built by a much earlier civilisation?

‘The eyes of that species of extinct giants, whose bones fill the mounds of America, have gazed on Niagara, as ours do now.’

So wrote Abraham Lincoln in his private notes, in about 1848. Lincoln may have been drawing on an old tradition of Europe as well as of America, the idea that people of giant stature once peopled the land, and were responsible for many mysterious earthworks, in which they were buried, in perhaps some distant, pre-diluvian time.

The alleged heyday of the ancient giants in America was seen as having preceded the arrival of the ‘American Indians.’ The presence of the ancient giants was once seen as universal. It makes little difference whether we look at the case of the pyramids of Teotihuacán, in Mexico or say the Serpent Mound of Ohio in the USA. In these and other cases, ‘Indians,’ named thus due to the one-time supposition by ‘Columbus and friends’ that they were Indians of India or Indonesians, denied any knowledge about the construction and purpose of many enormous archaeological sites, when pressed for answers, by the inquisitive Spanish, or English colonists.

In Central- and South-American myth, we also encounter the idea that another people, lived ‘before’. The merciless Spaniards, who preserved a fragment of the primary information from the Amerindian civilisation, did have historians among them, some with native blood, willing to record ancient memory for posterity.

For instance, the Spaniard antiquarian, Antonio Gerrera, (1549–1625) recorded certain American legends about ancient giants in his Historia General.

‘At the dawn of time,’ there was a strange arrival of gigantic white men. It was they who built the mighty stone buildings of Peru. The Indians remembered these forerunner people as of giant stature and with an engineering gift. These were held to have been responsible for ‘impossible,’ megalithic works.

To quote: ‘The Sun came out of Lake Titicaca, and from that island, that is, in it, in the Collao, (this is Tiwanaku locale) there presently appeared in the middle of the day, a white man of great body, and venerable presence, who was so powerful that he lowered the hills, increased the valleys and drew fountains from the rocks, who for his great powers, they called the prince of all created things and father of the Sun.’

Have we not just described pre-Inca architecture, where we indeed see ‘fountains from rocks.’? I do not believe anyone has yet made the connection.

‘Fountains from Rocks’
’Lowered the Hills… Increased the valleys’

The legend continues:

‘…since he gave life to men and animals, and by his great power, great benefits came to them, and that, working on these marvels, he went a long way towards the north, and on his way, gave an order of life to nations, when he spoke with much loving-kindness, correcting them that they might be upright, and uniting them to one another, whom, until the last days of the Incas, they called Ticcuirachocha, or Cirachocha, and in the Collao, Tupaco, and in other parts Arraua, and they build man temples and many sculptures they placed in them, in his likeness, so which they sacrificed.’ (Translated by Anthony Roberts, Sowers of Thunder, p. 184–5,1978.)

Another, nastier legend, recorded by Cieza de Leon and Fernando Montesinos, speaks of the giants as being mainly men, homosexuals, who arrived on reed boats, in the region of Tiwanaku. They then invaded inland, building megalithic structures as they went. (Ibid, p. 186). According to this and related legends, the men wore either white or black robes. They had fair or red hair, as well as beards. They built the structures of the Collao, (Tiwanaku) ‘long before the Sun shone’. This and other legends also state that they raped the much smaller native women wherever they went.

Who were these strange forerunners of the conquistadores? According to legend, descended from the sky, these giant people commanded powers over heaven and Earth. After many wars, they vanished into the sea. It can be shown that the legend of the gods disappearing across the Pacific, describes the same circumstance related by the descendants of the gods themselves, in Easter Island.

There, the ‘Long Ears’, are essentially redheads of perhaps formerly a Norwegian appearance according to the descendants of the Long Ears. To excerpt part of Heyerdahl’s writing, ‘Atan [a Long-Ear, descendant] had now abandoned his idea that the original inhabitants of the Island had come from Austria; both he and the other Long Ears were now certain that at least their own tribe had come from Norway.’ (Heyerdahl, Aku-Aku, p. 237)

The Long Ears ruled over the Short Ears, a subject people. What is interesting is that the Long Ears claim to have originated in about the region of Peru. They also tell how they fled long ago, to settle on Easter Island. Heyerdahl carbon-dated some soil under a Maoi statue to the first few centuries, A.D. In other words, the Long Ears had fled Peru over a thousand years before the Spanish arrived.

Heyerdahl photographed the surviving single ‘Long-Ear family’ in the 1940s. They have dark skin, being mixed with the Short Ears, but several members of this unit have red hair and caucasian features.

In North America too we have traces of a very sedentary, agricultural empire. The early settlers of Northern America noticed that a strange builder-race had preceded them, and whose memorials were much in tune with their own agricultural thinking and desires. These Colonial-era settlers of America battled the perilous food-supply conditions of the Little Ice Age of the 1600s, as well as the combination of hostile and friendly tribes already living in lands they sought to occupy. Then they had to deal with their own superstitions of witchcraft and ‘foul play’ at the hands of a cruel supernatural, sometimes beyond their control.

You see, everything appeared to have been laid out in their own interest, it seemed, as noted by historian Charles C. Mann, in his book, 1491. There were apple trees growing together, orchards already laid out, and yet the land lay abandoned as if some pestilence had overcome the previous sedentary population. The latter thought did not really occur to the early settlers. Rather it was as if God himself had sculpted gardens and orchards for the settlers to inhabit.

The colonial suspicion of God’s intervention on behalf of settlers, by the 19th century, had evolved into the idea of ‘Manifest Destiny’. This was the belief, political and practical, that God had obviously ordained the settlement of Europeans from coast to coast across what is now the United States. This was to be seen by some as a matter of fate and inevitability. Clearing out the American Indians had become ‘God’s work’.

But what if it had all been done before, by an earlier race of European adventurers? What also of the mysterious colonial ‘root cellars’ of New England, which many suspect are actually pre-Colombian? And what also of the strange ‘Newport Tower’, of Rhode Island, betraying an unusual, almost ‘medieval’ design?

It is obvious that many in Europe would have wondered about the strange origin of the warm ‘Trade Wind’ from the Caribbean. They would have sought a route across the Atlantic to find the ‘land of opportunity’ whence this breeze originated. I experienced this breeze in Ireland. Southern Ireland can actually grow almost tropical palms out in the open, due to this warm wind which nurtures plants and cancels hard frosts. Ireland is itself a very different climate from the continent. It lacks the extremes in temperature. Medieval chronicles also make mention of its incredible climate. It had, like Atlantis before it, two harvests a year, with the snow rarely resting upon the ground over more than a day or two.

I felt the trade breeze myself in Galway, a beautiful almost ‘pirate town’, and the largest ‘city’ on the west coast of Ireland, with a population of only about ten thousand. I say ‘pirate town’, this because it is one of the closest towns to what the demolished and destroyed-by-the-wrath-of-God, Caribbean/British ‘pirate city’ of Port Royal, must have been like. All the buildings are ancient and with a strange naval feeling. The ‘sea shanty’ one can hear everywhere blaring out of stores is a more pleasant, folk version of Steve Earl’s hit, ’Galway Girl’. This is a delightful tune which reminds one of a sailor’s life, for its lyrics go: ‘travelled all over the world but never seeing nothing like a Galway girl’. Like Port Royal, this delightful town was destroyed by an Earthquake/Tsunami in the 1600s, with only some parts of the old port remaining from that era.

‘History doesn’t repeat, but it does rhyme’, remarked Mark Twain. Invasions are periodic, cyclical, occurring with the periodicity perhaps of a changing millennial, weather or crop cycle, and the migration of tribes as a consequence of the ups and downs. What if ancient America had not just been visited once by the Europeans, but over and over, and over again, by anyone with a ship, curious and well-off enough to darn-well find out? As I stood on the Galway docks and noticed the strong trade wind, supposedly also noticed by Columbus, while he too was in Galway, some facts ‘popped out’ at me.

Firstly, this wind was unending, and it was powerful. To notice this is to notice that ships could return from an unknown place, to Ireland, or Europe, via this wind simply by following the current! For every trade-wind is also a conveyor, a water current, which pulls any ship along with it. Fact number two: the wind was warm! It could bring you back from a warm country, from paradise! Generations of Irish and other Europeans may have wondered about the land across the sea, and why would they not have also explored it?

In 2017, I was lucky enough to visit the United States. I had at that time, a budding YouTube channel of 3000 subscribers. I was then relatively unknown. Now, I have sold thousands of books and my channel stands at 47,000 subscribers, is watched by all the top luminaries in the YouTube ancient-mysteries field, and I have their respect and friendship.

Something really struck me about the famous Serpent Mound, as we drove up to it, amidst the gentle undulating hillbilly countryside of Ohio. We were going uphill! I actually relayed, as we approached, where the mound would be found and what it would look like, simply based on my experience in hiking the hills of Ireland, and due to my investigation of the pyramid religion, the universal Stone-Age religion.

I mentioned it ‘will be found at the top of a tall hill’, as that would be consistent with the monuments of ancient Ireland, and sure enough, it was. In Ireland, I found altar-shaped stones on top of hills, the religion of Abraham! Did the ‘promise of Abraham’ of great wealth also reach this distant shore, and did the Hebrew-like people who came here sacrifice children, as did the Carthaginians and Levantine ‘Jews’ north of Judea?

And here in Ohio, it was the same, a hill religion. Little wonder there are ancient Great-Flood and other strange, almost ‘Biblical’ myths recorded by anthropology from the Elders of the American Indians. These people once travelled a great distance across an Ocean.

I have to say that as a medieval historian, I have always been struck by a certain peculiar ‘coincidence’. This is in regard to the publication of the first printed books, produced before AD 1500 and known as Incunabulum. It seems to me that books first began to be printed and sold in bookshops in wider Europe in the 1470s at the earliest, for we do not seem to see any which are very much older. This is about a generation or so after Gutenberg’s press was invented. AD 1500 is chosen as a cut-off date for the categorisation of these very earliest printed books, the Incunabulum, as that is conveniently, a date chosen for the end of the ‘Middle Ages.’

And is this not the very particular time that Columbus ‘Sailed the Ocean blue?’ If an earlier explorer had accomplished the same deeds, decades earlier, no-one would ever have heard of them as the first bookshops, in London, Amsterdam, as well as the cities of Northern Italy, were not yet in existence. There were no newspapers but affordable books, such as ‘chapbooks’, or pamphlets, which were printed and sold in the street, such as those which disseminated the evil reputation of Vlad the Impaler: the ‘comic books’ of the day. In other words, the bookshop, and bookseller, ‘created’ Columbus as we know him today. The dramatic implications of this fact are not at all appreciated in the wider context of America’s discovery.

In this spirit, I made a video suggesting the Knights Templar, following persecution, escaped to America and conquered or traded with, a strange and little known empire located northwest of the Aztecs, and almost as large. This was known as the Tarascan Empire. As I examined Spanish woodcuts of these Tarascans, I noticed something remarkable. They had drawn Europeans! Fair hair and light skin are drawn, and they are drawn as larger peoples than the natives, who are depicted as darker and shorter. Giants and regular humans? The dark-skinned Tarascans are the ‘other Tarascans’, that the ‘pure’, (European) ones, had subjugated.

In addition, these Tarascans are clothed in tartans! The Tarascans also built strange pyramids, the Yacata pyramids, which resemble the curious pyramid-like structures, in the Canary Islands!

The Tarascans. They seem to have been tartan-clad, Ancient Eurasians, discovered in America by the Spanish. They are drawn as Europeans. They wear the highland cloak of Scotland, seen in centuries past, a blanket-like covering. In another image, their empire is possibly crumbling, for they are shown as slaughtered
More Tarascans, as drawn by the Spanish Chronicler
Tarascan Pyramids resemble the step-mastabas of 1st-Dynasty Egypt

The ‘pure’ Tarascans were about ten percent of the population of their empire. They were effectively at peace with the Spanish after the conquest of the Aztecs, though they were later also conquered by the Spaniards. I speculated that treasures bestowed on the Templars, and in their bank vaults, which may have included ancient maps, may have found their way into the hands of Templar navigators. The Templars also had a fleet and we have the curious instance of many sailors, including Columbus, ‘copying’ the Templar red flag on their sails. I see from Dark-Age Irish chronicles, however, that this naval ensign may be a tradition harkening back to Roman times, and therefore not Templar at all.

I speculated on a Scottish/Templar origin for these Tarascans, but I now think these are literally the fabled ‘ancient redhead giants.’ The tartan was not invented in Scotland, it was the dress of the Celt, the prehistoric Eurasian, and is found among the Tamrin Mummies of China. One does not also see the medieval knight depicted among the Tarascans in surviving Spanish pictures. They did not seem to know of gunpowder, though they wore a kind of Scottish highland dress, which may be a prehistoric costume of the Ancient Giants of England/Albion. Albion was the oldest known name of Britain, a place-name retained into the Middle Ages in Scotland.

In other videos I published to my YouTube channel, ‘Charles Kos’, I have noted many similarities between pre-Columbus America and the Old World. The initials in the Irish Book of Kells from the 8th century, look remarkably like Mayan writing. Ancient Irish jewellery looks like ancient Inca jewellery.

The ‘granaries’ at Machu Picchu, this alleged Inca Fortress, are basically Irish, and Dark-Ages in design. Machu Picchu is, to my view, an Irish monastery built on a megalithic foundation, probably built by the earlier ‘giants’, but inhabited later in a way, by more giants, but from Ireland.

Later Inca knew about this site and tried to use it as a settlement or fortress. And then we have the Irish Ogham writing which I suggested is the Inca Quipu string language. After making a video on this, I found I was not the first to make this Ogham-Quipu connection.

And now, we come to the Clovis. This was a people who lived in North-East America, dated to a carbon layer of about eleven thousand years before present, the end of the last Ice Age. Decades ago it was realised that these people are artistically synonymous with ancient Europeans. This is known as the Solutrean ‘Hypothesis’, and it goes like this. People of southern France who lived around twenty to fifteen thousand years ago, share an art form with the Clovis. These are the people responsible for the famous Lascaux cave art. The art is one and the same, and furthermore the art is typically what might be described as ‘Cro Magnon’.

The Cro Magnons are sometimes described as the Nordic ideal, basically resembling Scandinavians or the Dutch in height. The jury is out. Other ‘Cro Magnons’ are shorter in stature. But all their art, their bone carvings, were just exquisite. These were clever, high artists, living in low numbers, in a brutal Stone-Age landscape. Hancock’s fictional vision of peaceful, telepathic Neanderthals refusing to fight and being slaughtered by the vicious Cro Magnon in Entangled, is just that. The Neanderthal remains reveal an animal, primitive mindset, with almost no artistic level of skill, and no development in hundreds of thousands of years. We do not see in the Neanderthal much development of a forebrain, just the same-shaped mammalian-skull as found in dogs and all the other land mammals, and earlier hominids, only much larger. The Neanderthal skull is basically a Homo-Erectus skull on steroids, very primitive. And despite the much-touted large brain, there is absent the crucial frontal development found in the Cro Magnon. It is in the Cro-Magnon remains alone that we see high art-forms and strong culture.

Were these humans, the giants, like the megafauna of their time, a gigantic form of a human, as an ancient legend, and ancient excavation reports claim? I suppose someone who is merely six-two is still a giant compared to shorter peoples of the planet, so we do not even need to talk of a nine-foot Goliath, or of regular humans, of Cro-Magnon size.

We know from the research of such luminaries as Thor Heyerdahl, through to Brien Foerster in our own time, that a strange, red-headed, long-skulled people, traveled the world in ancient times. They occupied almost every country, ruling with the excuse of their godlike origins from an unknown location. For millennia after their demise, the peoples they once ruled continued to wrap and bind skulls in an effort to elevate their families into an aristocratic social order, long-established.

It was this picture that inspired me to write this article. We see clearly that the particular snake patterns found on Inca stones, themselves often having been shaped using a fantastic and unknown technology, match the Serpent Mound of Ohio. Ohio is close enough to the great lost mines of Lake Superior, where copper and its associated ores, gold and tin, were mined in abundance, until about the first millennium BC. Suddenly we have a link between the great mining operations of this area and the cultures of the pre-Inca. Both the Pre-Inca stonework and the Serpent Mound were said by the inhabitants, found by the recent conquerors, to have been the work of people who lived before them.

And the origins of these people, and possibly also the Clovis? What is now the UK seems to have been their homeland. Anthony Roberts is adamant in his classic work ‘Sowers of Thunder’, that the trail of the ancient giants always leads back to the UK, their ultimate homeland in deeply ancient times. The chronicler Hollinshed, five centuries ago, mentioned the first ruler of Britain as the ‘The Giant Albion’. Before the darker Britons (now called the Welsh) took over, Britain, or Albion as it was called, was ruled and lived in by the ‘giants’. Greek legend speaks of the similar ‘Atlantis’ as a home of giants, because its king, Atlas is a giant who holds up the planet. ‘Atlantis’ simply means ‘(Land) of Atlas’ in the genitive. In fact, the Greek legend of Atlantis actually translates the ‘Atlantean’ or Egyptian names of the ‘Atlantean’ gods into Greek variants, so is Atlas simply the equivalent to British ‘Alba/Albion’?

Even in my own trips to the UK, I noticed that I would encounter the odd redheaded ‘giant’, bigger and wider than my six-two frame, though I have seen this same type from Europe to the Czech Republic. They are invariably about six foot four or five in height, extremely mannerly and gentlemanly. They are decent, kind, and generous, with a strong passion for cultural exploration and an intense curiosity. Is this what the earlier Europeans looked like, and were like?

Everything is starting to come together. Consider the serpent mound with its nearby round barrows. Contrast this with Stonehenge and its nearby barrows, in the case of the Normanton-Down barrows, arranged into a serpent, a motif that no-one has previously noticed. And how about those serpentine pathways at Avebury? And Carnac, France, which also I have found to be in the form of serpentine,-snake outlines? These were people who worshipped the serpent, the religion of these ancient stone-forming giants. In America it is Quetzalcoatl, ‘Feathered Serpent’, basically the snake-bird woman of the European Stone Age.

In videos on my channel, I also noticed that the same legend regarding the use of a stone-softening plant, by a certain bird, who used it to make holes in rocks for nesting, is actually found on both sides of the Atlantic(!), in writings from ancient Israel, as well as in Inca legend. There may have been strong links to Lake Superior and the fabulous copper mines of that region. Trade and mining in that region seem to have ceased around the time of the fall of Troy and the ‘centuries of darkness’ which follow in the history of the Near East. It is possibly consistent with the cessation in the trade of Orichalcum, the later Iron-Age Greeks and Romans, having heard about Orichalcum, but have never claimed to have seen it. This fabulous metal of the legend of Atlantis and its loss to the classical world is possibly evidence of cessation of Atlantic trade and a loss of knowledge of the Americas.

So let us attempt to explain what is going on here.

Metal-working and stone-melting giants from somewhere in Europe, possibly the Ancient Near East, reach ancient America, perhaps on reed boats. They settle both in Clovis areas, as well as Peru, and from there, explore the continent, north and south, building megalithic structures as they go. Other ancient giants travel the world and use their stone-softening technology to build similar structures, worldwide. These people had strange, naturally elongated skulls and ruled over a wide portion of the globe. Think of it like the Portuguese or Dutch Empires!

They then establish an America-wide trading empire, responsible for mining a titanic millions upon millions of tonnes of copper, gold, silver, and associated products of the copper/gold ore. This is based in the Great-Lakes area, a site of ancient cataclysm and volcanism, responsible for the rich mineral ores. The sheer quantity extracted suggests global trade and metallurgical and chemical sophistication, not local Stone-Age tribes. This perhaps being for purposes related to the famous, or infamous theory of stone melting for forming the incredible Inca monuments? If you master stone softening you can also soften any metal.

If we look into Bronze-Age Europe we find megalithic ruins under the classical ruins which conform to the style found in the Inca world, though reduced in quality, except in the case of the bizarre ‘lego’ ruins I discovered underneath Rome, in the drawings of archaeologist and architect, Piranesi. Bronze-Age Europe and earlier Europe were ruled by those the Greeks remembered as ‘gods,’ big strong warriors. I believe these to be the red-headed ‘Viking’ types, and that they ruled much of the planet, including Bronze-Age Europe, with American contact.

The Americas were indeed known, and I can prove it. I have found that the famous Hipparchus map of 500 BC showing the world, is torn off from a larger ‘world map’. You can see the ‘tear’ if you look at how Spain and Africa have been ‘truncated’. The original map is best approximated by the famous Piri Reis map, where you can see there are two maps, one of Europe, and one of the Americas, with the ‘tear’ in just the same place. This can mean only one thing. The ancient giants are Charles Hapgood’s fabled Ice-Age, ‘Sea Kings’. They had a complete map of the world. They traded Orichalcum. After the Dark Age, when learning returned around 650 BC, the era of Hesiod, the Greeks had a faint memory of lands in the Atlantic and a vast empire, which attempted to acquire one land after another. Again… the redheads? A key to world, archaeological pre-history?

In the 1950s, Charles Hapgood realised that many maps seem to be based on maps from the Ice Ages, for instance the Spanish, the first colonialists in the Americas, only settled South and Central America as their maps may have shown the North covered in Ice Sheets, as old maps of the Northern United States seem to show. For, since the Clovis in America were an Ice-Age people, well… do we have a connection? Did the Clovis make the Piri Reis, possibly Ice-Age Map?!

North America seems to be covered in Ice Sheets in this map which is a mere several centuries old. Or is this based on a much older, world map? Why the extreme detail of Mexico but the absence of a coast around Northern California? (Hapgood, Maps of Ancient Sea Kings.)

Possibly we can begin to describe the prehistoric exploration and settlement of America by strange prehistoric Europeans, even during the last Ice Ages. Since these were great adventurers, and since they fit the type, shall we call them proto-Vikings? These people traded across the continent and across much of the world. They lived in every continent, building stone circles and erecting statues and perhaps even pyramids. They are the lost key to ancient megalithic engineering.

Welcome to the lost, Ancient America.

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Charles Kos
Remote Viewing Community Magazine

My name is Dr Charles Kos. I am a historian, scientist, and thirdly, mortgage broker (Hey, everyone has to earn a living, right?)