A Brief Study of Time

The shocking recent discoveries

C. M. Lawrence
5 min readJul 30, 2022
JP-Valery / Unsplash

Time rules our lives from the moment we are born until our death.

Now, several studies and discoveries come up to put this concept, so long rooted in us, to the test.

Does time really exist?

The present, past or future are being deeply studied, and new discoveries are being presented, destroying everything that we have, so far, believed to exist, in an avalanche of facts, which touch the core of the meaning of our own existence.

The concept of time is known to be purely abstract and based on the duration of events or actions.

Whether they are spontaneous, such as the organic ones, or those moved by the will, or personal intentions.

The concept of time exists from the start point of an action or some occurrence. Because every action or occurrence always has a beginning and sometimes, an end.

The period of duration of an action or occurrence, from the beginning until its resolution, is what gives life to the idea of time that we know and accept as real.

An action or occurrence always has a beginning. However, it does not necessarily have an end. This way, the sense of duration can be extended infinitely.

The space between the beginning and the end of an action builds a sense of duration and, consequently, the extension of this duration reinforces the idea of time.

Basically, for the concept of time to be formed, the beginning of an action or occurrence is enough.

At every instant we are, regardless of will, giving beginning and end to various actions, which can be:

● Purposeful (e.g., opening and closing a door)
● Spontaneous (e.g., breathing)

Opening and closing a door, marks the beginning and the end of a movement, which creates a sense of duration and therefore, time.

The simple act of breathing is enough for the formation of the sense of duration, too and, consequently, the idea of time, as well.

For, it also marks the beginning and end of an organic movement, fundamental to physical survival.

● Inspiration (beginning) //… duration… // Expiration (end) = Concept of Time

We are “building” this concept, constantly and unconsciously.

Since our first day on this planet, we function within and from this concept, in everything we do. That is what makes, the mere intention of imagining its non-existence, very challenging for us.

The novelty is that now many scientists have reached exactly to this conclusion: Time doesn´t exist!

Let’s try to understand it!

1. The Present Time

The present is extremely impermanent. It is independent of a beginning or an end, because it oscillates between

● The past (what happened)


● The future (idealization)

The present does not depend on a notion of duration, because of the relativity and volatility it possesses. It exists only in the now and it never begins or ends.

The beginning of the present is located in the idealized future, that immediately turns into the now, and then vanishing into the past. The Present is relative, volatile and unattainable.

This explains its non-existence.

The present exists in the now, which transmutes itself, immediately into the past (backwards), and it is also, constantly moving towards an idealized future (forwards).

This fact rules out the possibility of a conscious notion of duration. The present is escaping continuously from our fingers.

● neutralizing the foundations that form the concept of time, for its non-duration;
● deconstructing the very notion of the present time itself;

Is it possible to live the present at all?

2. The Pastime

The past exists in the present, as a fact that has occurred in a determined point in time, retained only in the memory, through remembrances or through historical records.

Basically the past is nothing more than a image, discolored in our recollections.

Its abstraction is similar to the present and future time.

It is just in another imagined position (Backwards).

3. The Future Time

The future exists in the present, only as an idealization.

It is distant from our grasp and is always ahead to happen.
The future is exactly so volatile and unattainable as all the other two variants.

When the future is materialized, it is immediately transformed into the present, which is just as quickly transmuted into the past.

The idea of future is utopian and unreachable, for its impermanence, in the same way that the past and the present also present themselves.

Photo by Felix Büsselmann / Pexels

The marking of time is based on the rotation of the planet itself and around the sun. It is what marks the seconds, minutes, hours and enables us to separate the days from the nights, helping in the organization of the societies.

The passing of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years, are associated with a completely separate and mechanical notion.

As if time itself were headed to a single direction, as Eddington says, in his theory of the Arrow of Time*.

Eddington’s theory, which defends the idea that time only moves forward to the future, was completely disproved in 2017, by an experiment of a group of researchers from universities of Brazil, Singapore, UK and Germany, proving that the direction of time is a relative and manageable possibility.

In this experiment, they managed to make time move backwards(past) by manipulating and reversing the entropic process (decay / change) of the nuclei of two atoms with surprising success.

The old theory that we move forward (future) all the time, leaving behind (past) the actions and experiences lived, was disregarded after the success of this experiment, that showed that time can be turned back.

It opened new speculations about the possibilities of time travel, as well.

According to the point of view that proves the impermanence of the past, present and future, we are faced with the possibility of the non-existence of the all three variations, since each one of them doesn´t go beyond its ideological concept.

When we abandon the idea of time construction, associated with the movement of the planet and the stars, we are taking the first step to understand and accept the non-existence of time.

Time is a simply human creation, in the name of order, organization and control.

The question that remains in us, is whether we will ever get used to this truth, and whether will we deal with this fact in an effective and productive way, as well?

The answer to this question lies, redundantly, only in the future.

But, are we ready for this?

*The Arrow of Time — Phrase characterized by Sir Arthur Eddington in 1927 and popularized in his book “The Nature of The Physical World” in 1928, which basically forms the idea that time goes in only one direction. (Wikipedia)

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C. M. Lawrence

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