Why Creative People Must Turn Their Backs To The World

C. M. Lawrence
4 min readJan 5, 2023



Sometimes, the best thing we can do to achieve our goals, is just to keep distance of the world´s noises around us and do our part by ourselves.

It is always a special moment in our lives when this feeling comes strongly to us as a true necessity.

When we get tired of going with the flow and following the throng.

When we just discover that following the mass won’t take us anywhere nor anything, but to the same limited achievement point of the crowd, as well.

Maybe, it is enough, for some people, and exactly what they were looking for.

What is exactly the results achieved from their parents and friends, because they were formerly also programmed for the achievable.

Sometimes, we just repeat what we are accustomed to accepting or seeing as the unique reality or result possible.

We stop being ourselves trapped in mediocrity.

We stop asking ourselves what we really want and who we really are. Just because it can be much more comfortable and easier this way.

But, this is the reality of the ones that never dream. That’s the reality of the ones that feel themselves comfortable to the idea of belonging to the mainstream.

Most of the people in this planet are born to belong to it. Ninety-five percent, to be clear; and that’s nothing wrong in it, unless if we don’t belong to this group and see ourselves stuck in it.

To be part of the mainstream won’t make any of us happier or safer in life.

Just when we are ourselves, accept our nature and go boldly for it, we will be sited on a bigger, happier and safer step towards happiness, satisfaction and, probably, success.

Most of the time we are bombarded with information and advices of how to be, who to be, when and where to be.

Without asking ourselves what we do really want, it’s easy to fall in such traps and die in a world of unsatisfaction and deceit — mostly of it linked to ourselves and our wrong choices, for allowing this external pression to swallow us.

A society’s pression that blinds us; hides who we really are; kills our dreams and what live for.

The throng will take us to the limitations of the mainstream people we know. Not further.

Dreamers and bold individuals are the ones regarded to success and fulfillment in life, just because they work on the level of thousand possibilities that the mainstream thinker will never bet.

The creatives are not afraid of failing, because failing is the way to be better and every step closer to be greater; brilliant in what we do and a winner at the next trial.

Success is always on the way of who struggles to reach greatness.

To be great, we need to achieve it by learning from the great ones. We need to level ourselves up to the best ones, look for the best ways and best examples.

The great ones are never part of the mainstream. They are the ones followed by it.

The ones that illuminate the way. To be great, we need to want to be able of illuminating the way, as well. It must be in the core of our work’s intention as a mission.

The great ones exist to serve and make from this world a better place to live in.

If we want to be great and serve humanity, just then, success can be on our way, undoubtedly.

The more we are able to give, the more you will be rewarded. We can understand this sentence through any philosophy that fits us better.

It is a natural life’s law of giving and receiving that embraces everything.

If we intend to be part of one of the great ones, we need to concentrate in our own selves and keep out the mainstream tentacles of the world.

Close the door for everything that leads us to a different direction.

It is also necessary that we accept the long way journey with patience, love, trust and joy.

Earl Nightingale, once said that “…it takes maturity to realize that as a rule, happiness and contentment do not come when we reach our goals.

We are amazed to find that we were happier, more contented when we were striving toward them.”

Happiness will be our companion along the process, because, for the dreamers and creative ones, the end of a successful journey will be always the beginning of the next one.

Happiness means the work’s process itself.

Because, above all, we are doing exactly what we want and love.

Being apart from the noise and disturbance of the surrounding voices, will be the only way that will allow us to start living the life we are designed for and really suppose to be living.

I hope I can be anyway helpful and wish you the best in your life.

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