Discovering the Power of Being Ordinary

Happiness is Humble

C. M. Lawrence
3 min readJul 25, 2022
Schäferle / Pixabay

Every life deserves to be told. Every life is valuable in itself. Perhaps our life is not so spectacular, but it certainly possesses a striking viscerality that make us who we are today.

It induces us to be less fearful, respect other people, respect ourselves, be healthily selfish and take as much care of ourselves as possible.

Our life teaches us that everything that occurs, positive or negative, is based only on the choices we made.

And we are the only ones responsible for our victories and misfortunes. Nobody else.

We live for a long time trying to justify mistakes and failures and putting the blame on other people.

On one hand we are unloved, on another, disrespected, on another, devalued, and the complain list goes on.

It takes a long process of pain and self-acceptance to awake for the fact that if we are unloved, it is because we do not love properly;

if we are not respected, it is because we do not respect enough;

and if we are devalued, it is because we have not shown this value to ourselves, neither to the world.

The trigger of everything that occurs is always in our hands.

That is why we show cowardice and lack of conscience when we deny that everything that happens in our lives is based on our own choices.

We make up our own story.

We always try to be someone special and show the world a certain non-existent brilliance, in search of acceptance and the feeling of well-being with ourselves, which allows us to sleep in peace, with the feeling of something accomplished.

A kind of consolation we elaborate to pack, the fantasy that we are special and valuable in some way.

We always seek to fill our gaps of love and achievement.

We live in a moment when, from one hour to the next, many of us find ourselves frightened and lost within an unusual situation, which has generously granted us what we never had before: free time.

This new situation directly conflicts with our sense of personal value and also that we are more ordinaries and simple, than we would like to be.

We come into contact, terrified, with our deepest inner self, and we are shocked to see that we have much less to offer to the world and to ourselves.

We are used to forging a perfect inconsistency reality, which dissipates in a blow.

Likewise, we have never had a greater chance to face who we really are, as we do now.

Furthermore, we are left only to rebuild our sense of personal worth, as individuals and as a group.

Without forging false realities, which we throw into public view, seeking approval and acceptance.

The most problematic point for most of us is that we are the first ones to become aware that we are ordinary within the whirlpool of fantasies we have invented.

Life is both simple and empty, if we abstract ourselves from the fantasies and palliative entertainments that surround us.

Simplicity and emptiness are not negative things.

They are the primordial parts of the path we walk in order to be able to see ourselves, again;

and thus perceive that the quality and happiness in life is established, many times, through the simplicity of our days and the ordinariness of ourselves.

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