Why You Should Not Fight Against Your Inner Clock To Have A Better Life

Respect Your Own Time

C. M. Lawrence
4 min readFeb 15, 2023

Every person is a different kind. Some are morning types and others are night types. Here you will understand why it is so important to respect our inner clock to have a better and more satisfactory life.

“By understanding our internal clock and personal preferences, we can create a daily routine that works best for us.”

Our bodies have an internal clock, known as the circadian rhythm, which regulates many of our biological processes, including sleep, digestion, and hormone production.

This rhythm is influenced by external cues, such as light and darkness, and varies from person to person.

Some individuals are naturally morning types, while others are night types.

It is important to respect our inner clock and align our daily routine accordingly for a better and more satisfactory life.

For morning types, waking up early comes naturally and they tend to feel more alert and energetic during the first half of the day.

On the other hand, night types may struggle with early mornings and tend to feel more productive and alert in the evening.

By understanding our internal clock and personal preferences, we can create a daily routine that works best for us.

For example, morning types may benefit from scheduling important tasks and meetings in the morning when they are most alert, while night types may find it more beneficial to schedule these things later in the day.

Respecting our inner clock can also improve our sleep quality. Night types may find it difficult to fall asleep early and wake up early, which can lead to sleep deprivation and its associated health risks.

By aligning their schedule to their natural sleep-wake cycle, they may experience better sleep quality, which can lead to improved physical and mental health.

“…who consistently work against their internal clock are at higher risk for sleep disorders, cardiovascular disease, and metabolic disorders.”

Additionally, respecting our inner clock can lead to better time management.

When we work with our natural tendencies, we can maximize our productivity and use our time more efficiently.

For example, a night type may find it more effective to work on creative projects during their natural peak energy hours in the evening, while a morning type may find it more efficient to complete administrative tasks during their peak energy hours in the morning.

Ignoring our natural tendencies and trying to force ourselves into a routine that does not align with our internal clock can lead to stress and burnout.

When we push ourselves to function outside of our natural rhythm, we may experience fatigue, irritability, and reduced productivity.

“Incorporating our natural tendencies into our daily routine can also lead to increased creativity and personal fulfillment.”

By respecting our inner clock and designing a routine that works for us, we can reduce stress and achieve a better work-life balance.

Respecting our inner clock can also lead to better overall health.

Studies have shown that individuals who consistently work against their internal clock are at higher risk for sleep disorders, cardiovascular disease, and metabolic disorders.

By designing a daily routine that aligns with our natural tendencies, we can reduce these risks and improve our overall health.

Understanding and respecting our inner clock can improve our relationships with others. By communicating our natural tendencies and preferences, we can set expectations and avoid conflicts.

For example, a night type may explain to their partner that they prefer to spend time together in the evenings, while a morning type may prefer to have breakfast together in the mornings.

Incorporating our natural tendencies into our daily routine can also lead to increased creativity and personal fulfillment.

When we are working in alignment with our internal clock, we are more likely to feel energized and engaged, which can lead to increased motivation and inspiration.

This can result in increased creativity and a greater sense of personal fulfillment.

Respecting our inner clock and designing a routine that aligns with our natural tendencies can lead to a better and more satisfactory life.

By doing so, we can improve our sleep quality, time management, overall health, and relationships with others.

It can also lead to increased creativity and personal fulfillment. It is important to understand and honor our internal clock for a more balanced and fulfilling life.

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