SeedInsight: Transforming Agricultural Insights with Real-time Data

Charles Mwaniki
4 min readMay 15, 2024

Welcome to SeedInsight, a project aimed at revolutionizing how farmers and agricultural stakeholders access and utilize seed data. Our goal is to provide comprehensive information on various seed varieties, ecozones, and companies involved in the seed industry, all within an easy-to-use digital platform.

I am Charles Mwaniki, the sole team player in this project. I work at Kenya Seed Company Limited as a Digital Marketing Officer in the Product Promotion section within the company’s Sales and Marketing Department. In addition to my current role, I am a software and cloud engineer, data scientist, technical support specialist, and customer experience professional.

This blog post captures the journey, challenges, and learnings encountered while developing SeedInsight. Let’s dive in!

The Story Behind SeedInsight

Growing up in a rural part of Kenya, agriculture has always been a significant part of my life. My family depended on farming, and I often witnessed the challenges farmers faced due to a lack of reliable information on seed varieties and suitable growing conditions. This personal experience fueled my passion for agriculture and technology.

Years later, working at Kenya Seed Company Limited, I saw an opportunity to bridge the information gap by leveraging my skills in software engineering and data science. Thus, SeedInsight was born — a platform to provide real-time, accurate data to help farmers make informed decisions, optimize crop yields, and ultimately improve their livelihoods.

Accomplishments of SeedInsight

Project Overview

SeedInsight is designed to be a comprehensive digital catalog showcasing different types of seeds, their ecozones, and detailed information about companies in the seed industry. The platform includes features like:

  1. A colorful catalog of seeds with images, names, ecozones, and other relevant details.
  2. Real-time weather data integration to help farmers understand current weather conditions.
  3. A database system built using SQLAlchemy to manage seed, company, and ecozone data efficiently.

Technologies Used

  1. Frontend: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
  2. Backend: Python, Flask
  3. Database: SQLite with SQLAlchemy ORM
  4. API Integration: OpenWeatherMap for real-time weather data
seedinsight database schema

I chose these technologies to ensure the platform is robust, scalable, and easy to maintain. Flask was selected for its simplicity and flexibility, allowing for rapid development and integration of various features.

Data farm

Key Features

  1. Seed Catalog: Users can browse through a visually appealing catalog of seeds, complete with images and detailed descriptions. Filters and search functionality help users find specific seed types easily.
  2. Real-time Weather Data: The platform fetches and displays current weather information, helping farmers make timely and informed decisions.
  3. Comprehensive Database: A well-structured database stores information about seeds, companies, and ecozones, providing a rich dataset for users.

The Most Difficult Technical Challenge

One of the most challenging aspects of developing SeedInsight was integrating the real-time weather API. Initially, I faced issues with data fetching and handling asynchronous requests. Here’s how I tackled it using the STAR method:

Situation: The platform required real-time weather data to provide users with up-to-date weather conditions for better decision-making.

Task: Integrate the OpenWeatherMap API to fetch and display real-time weather data on the homepage.


  1. Registered and obtained an API key from OpenWeatherMap.
  2. Implemented an asynchronous function in JavaScript to fetch weather data.
  3. Handled potential errors and edge cases, ensuring the application remains robust even if the API request fails.
  4. Styled the weather widget to blend seamlessly with the existing UI.

Result: Successfully integrated the weather API, providing users with accurate and real-time weather information. This feature significantly enhances the platform’s value, offering practical insights alongside seed data.

OpenweatherAPI integration success

Learnings and Reflections

This project has been a tremendous learning experience. Some key takeaways include:

  1. Technical Skills: Improved my skills in API integration, asynchronous programming, and data management.
  2. Project Management: Learned to manage a project end-to-end, from initial concept to deployment.
  3. User Experience: Gained insights into designing user-friendly interfaces that meet the needs of agricultural stakeholders.

If I were to do something differently, I would invest more time in user testing to gather feedback earlier in the development process. This would help refine the platform based on real-world use cases.

About Me

I am Charles Mwaniki, a passionate software and cloud engineer, data scientist, and digital marketing professional. My goal is to leverage technology to solve real-world problems and improve people’s lives. Connect with me on LinkedIn to learn more about my work.

  1. GitHub: seed insight
  2. Deployed
  3. Project Landing Page:

Thank you for reading about my journey with SeedInsight. I look forward to hearing your feedback and continuing to improve the platform for the benefit of all farmers and agricultural stakeholders.



Charles Mwaniki

Certified Cloud Practitioner | Software Engineer | Data Analyst