How to Create Slides with Using Free Images

Charles White
6 min readSep 5, 2020


Create slides online with Beatiful.AI quickly and seamlessly — and what’s more you can do so with free images!

You’ve probably spent dozens of hours fiddling with the controls in PowerPoint and other softwares trying to create eye-catching presentations that attract people’s attention. If you’re tired of using so much of your time, then this is sure to be an insightful read for you.

The problem might be that free images are not available for you to make use of. This is mostly the case for most of these softwares. No worries though! This guide has just the solution you’ve been yearning for.

Few of the available presentation making tools are truly user friendly. The learning curve for most of them is too long and at times they become too clunky and cumbersome to use. Some of the slides you see nowadays from PowerPoint, Keynote and other tools have become too generic. Often the template styles are dull and repetitive. All of this can be confusing and disheartening at times.

While some of the well-known softwares may work for some people, they are often costly to use. This can be a bummer especially if you’re just looking to create a simple presentation. But you need not worry anymore!

Introducing It’s a free presentation-making, AI- powered tool guaranteed to help you create stunning presentations without a fuss. With, you don’t have to worry about creating dull slides again. It’s the perfect blend of design and functionality that helps you create high quality content. It is a perfect tool for situations when you need to make good-looking presentations within a short period of time. It’s effortless, seamless and doesn’t cost you a dime! was created for 3 reasons:

  • To cut back the time required to create presentations.
  • To deal with the difficult learning curve when using presentation-making software.
  • To enable users create high quality, visually appealing slides.

Since its introduction in 2018, its simplicity has made it collect a steady cult-like following. It truly has revolutionized presentation making.

Features of Beautiful.AI

  1. Collaboration — This feature allows you to invite and collaborate with colleagues and partners in real time. This ensures you’re all on the same page with the final product.
  2. Elements — This feature lets you position different types of texts, shapes, and graphics anywhere on your slides. This gives you the flexibility to craft your message exactly where you want.
  3. Logos — This enables you to add a logo to your title and position it.
  4. Customizable templates — It has numerous templates which you can use to edit to your liking.
  5. Editable PPT — This allows you to edit PPT or export your presentations to PPT.

Reviews of


  • Easy to learn and use.
  • It doesn’t take you too much time to create a presentations.
  • It produces beautiful content.
  • It’s user friendly.
  • It’s free and available to use online.


  • At times it difficult to tweak templates.
  • It glitches sometimes when switching to the next slide in a presentation.
  • It’s not always easy to use the drag and drop tool.

How to create a slide with using free images

Step 1: Sign up

Go to Click on Sign up Free in the page that appears.

After clicking on Sign Up Free a page appears where you fill in your email and password. After doing this click on Create Account.

Once you’ve done all this, your account is created and now you’ll be ready to begin. gives you a brief tutorial in this step so be sure to check it out.

This is how your window should look like afterwards.

Step 2: Create presentation

Click on New Presentation to begin designing your slides. A dialog box appears that requires you to pick a Theme for your presentation. Choose one that fits your purposes and click on Create New Presentation.

Once you’ve chosen a theme and clicked on create new, a black canvas appears where you can now begin designing your slide.

Step 3: Edit text position and type in your text

You can change where the text box appears. Just click on Text Options right below your canvas and the text box will be repositioned.

Step 4: Add background image

For free, high quality photos go to and choose a photo. Download it onto your desktop. Go back to and click on Add Image. Click on Import Image and navigate to where you saved your image from Click Open and the image is sent to your canvas.

Here is what mine looked like (

Step 5: Edit image

You can edit different aspects of your image such as the size, background and filter. Just double click on the image and a command box will appear. Then proceed to edit the image to your liking.

You can also edit the image position by clicking on Image Position command.

Step 6: Add other elements

Click on the Elements command below your canvas. This opens up several options which you can use to customize your slides. Drag an element you’d like to use onto your slide and proceed to edit it accordingly. You can add text, icons as well as images onto your slide.

Here is how my slide looked like after fiddling with it for a while.

You can click on the Colors option on the left of your screen to edit the background and foreground colors. You can also add more slides by clicking on the + sign right beside your slide.

You can also add Animations to your slides. You’ll see the option for this on the left hand side of your screen.

After you’re done creating your presentation, click on the first option to the left of your screen (the block sign). This is the Actions tab and it opens up a dialog box. This allows you to export your final product. You can also share, collaborate with other people and recover slides.

If you are satisfied with the product click on Export. Choose an appropriate format from the options that appear.

Alternatively, you can go back to your slide and click on the More option on the right of your slide. You can then export is as JPEG. Your slide will be downloaded.

As you can see, it’s easy to make slides with It literally took me less than 10 minutes to make my slide and this was my first time using it. Take your time with the controls to get a feel of everything and you’ll be making high quality presentations within no time.

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Charles White

Work on the side project to provide free creative commons transparent background images to help with your projects