The Power of Whiteboard Animation: Engaging Your Audience

Charlie alexander
7 min read4 days ago


The digital world, undoubtedly, has made it much more difficult to capture the attention of an audience. Online, there is a deluge of content, then the kernel of one’s content has to stand out and be vibrant. Whiteboard animation became one such technique that burst onto the scene of late. This article explores the power of whiteboard animation and how it could be used to engage and captivate audiences.

What is Whiteboard Animation?

Whiteboard animation is a kind of explainer videos made up of hand-drawn pictures done on a whiteboard or any other board, normally accompanied by the voice of a narrator. It comprises real-time drawing and erasing of images or generating them through software that resembles hand-drawn animation. This is going to be very beneficial for communication and education because of the format, which is engaging yet capable of simplifying complex ideas.

The Appeal of Whiteboard Animation

1. Simplicity and Clarity

The main reason whiteboard animation stands out is its simplicity. The plain, straightforward visual appearance acts to keep a viewer’s attention on the message given. By stripping away everything that is not important, whiteboard animations can simplify complex ideas into easily understandable visuals, thus perfect for explaining intricate concepts or processes.

2. Engaging and Memorable

Whiteboard animations are just plain captivating. The dynamic action of the hand-drawn illustrations keeps people engaged and interested in what’s coming next. This element of anticipation makes the content memorable. Research has indicated that when people are presented information in visual, engaging ways, it is remembered. Whiteboard animation fits perfectly into this category.

3. Versatility

Whiteboard animations are quite versatile. They could fit into webinars, explainer videos, corporate training, or for marketing purposes — something to simply tell a story within any topic. Being able to do all these things makes whiteboard animation very effective for different industries and purposes. It could explain a new product, teach something, or narrate a story; whiteboard animation will fit the need.

4. Cost-Effective Production

Compared to many other means of video production, explainer videos are relatively inexpensive. Traditional live-action videos require actors, sets, props, and long editing — everything that is very expensive to fund. Whiteboard animation mainly requires a good illustrator or animation software; hence, it is very pocket-friendly for many firms and creators alike.

Applications of Whiteboard Animation

1. Education and Training

Whiteboard animation is an educative tool par excellence where educators can break down complex topics into manageable pieces to create learning as accessible and a great experience to the learner. Whiteboard animations can communicate policies, procedures, and best practices for explainer videos workers with regard to corporate training. Not only will this help the employees retain information but also apply the same when required in their work.

2. Marketing and Advertising

Attention is the most paramount aspect of marketing. Explainer videos can create striking adverts incomparable to any other. The beauty and simplicity embedded in the visual appearance of whiteboard animation can drive home a brand message with clear and convincing communication. Sharing on social media is also easy for these animations, hence widening its reach.

3. Storytelling and Entertainment

It is also an excellent medium for storytelling. Visual style can give life to stories uniquely and engagingly. For entertainment, education purposes, or both, whiteboard animation does fascinate audiences of all ages. Much like this medium, storytellers are able to create a memorable story full of impact that lasts inside the viewers’ minds.

4. Explain Products and Services

Many businesses resort to explainer videos to explain their products and services. It is, therefore, easier to feature the features and real benefits that sidetrack to the customer. Using visual metaphors and simple explanations will help potential customers to understand a company’s value proposition.

The Psychology Behind Whiteboard Animation

1. The Picture Superiority Effect

The picture superiority effect is an event in psychology that explains how people remember information more when it is given as pictures, not as text. Whiteboard animation applies this since it involves visual content accompanied by narration, thus creating memorable information. When one can see and hear at the same time, he/she retains most of the information.

2. Dual Coding Theory

According to the dual coding theory, the brain processes visual and verbal information through different channels. Whiteboard animation just caters to these two channels in the brain for better comprehension and retention. In this way, a explainer videos presents information in a dual-coded form, thereby making it easier for viewers to understand and memorize.

3. The Von Restorff Effect

The Von Restorff effect states that people are likely to remember unique or outstanding items compared to others. Whiteboard animation stands from the rest of the content due to quite unique hand-drawn animation and dynamic presentation; this ultimately sticks in viewers’ minds most of the time.

How to create an effective whiteboard animation

1. Begin with a clear script

An excellent whiteboard animation is all about a clean and concise script. So first, pick up the key message that you would want to deliver to your audience, and then go on to structuring your content logically. Your language must be simple, free of jargon, and easy to understand.

2. Storyboarding

Having the script, create a storyboard to get an idea of what the animation should look like. This step will help you strategize how your illustrations are going to play out and thus ensure that everything within the visuals coincides or goes with the script. Storyboarding also allows for revisions before doing the final animation. Therefore, it saves time and effort.

3. Attention-Grabbing Visuals

The core element of whiteboard animation is the visuals. This includes simple, hand-drawn illustrations that can be easily understood. Avoid clutter by showing major elements that help your message. Small details and animation bring life to these visuals.

4. Professional Voice-Over

A professional voiceover can make all the difference in creating an impressive whiteboard animation. Pick up a clear and engaging voice that mingles well with the tone of the content. The voiceover helps the visual elements flow through properly, guiding the viewer through the animation.

5. Keep it Brief

Attention is very hard to hold, especially in the web world. Make sure that your explainer videos are succinct and to the point. The ideal length would be 1–3 minutes with a clean focus on the delivery of your message without overwhelming the viewer.

6. Add a Call to Action

If your whiteboard animation is for marketing or business purposes, end it with a clear call to action. Anything from getting them to visit your website to signing up for a newsletter or even calling your business, a compelling call to action will help spur that engagement into actual conversions.

Whiteboard Animation Tools and Software

In making whiteboard animations, several tools and software are at hand, catering to different levels of expertise and budgets. Some of these top entries include the following:

1. VideoScribe

VideoScribe becomes a very easy-to-use tool in creating whiteboard animation with no experience in animation. It has a lot of templates, images, and further customization options that make it very comprehensive software and popular among beginners and pros alike.

2. Doodly

Another popular whiteboard animation software is Doodly, which offers a drag-and-drop interface, allowing one to set up an animation of images from a library of pre-drawn images and letting one import his or her own graphics. The ease of use and flexibility in Doodly make it sought after.

3. Animaker

Animaker is an all-rounder animation tool; users can create a wide variety of animations with it, including whiteboard animation. It comprises a large library of assets, voice-over recording, and customization options that let one make professional-grade animations.

4. Explaindio

What better way to create whiteboard animations, explainer videos, and any other kind of animated videos than on an all-in-one animation software called Explaindio? This software features a wide range of templates, pre-animated scenes, and many other customization options for making attractive animations.


Whiteboard animation is an easy way to appeal to and engage an audience. Simplicity, adaptability, and affordability make it appropriate to be used in rather broad contexts: from education and training in the process to marketing and storytelling. On the other hand, whiteboard animation makes complex ideas more understandable and memorable by putting into practice visual learning and dual coding psychological principles. With a good script, visuals, and voiceover, you will be able to come up with compelling explainer videos that your audience is not going to forget anytime soon.

With an ever-increasing amount of digital content, whiteboard animation remains very valid and potentially leading-edge for communication. Be it for a business who wants to explain their products to customers, an educator wanting to give his students some engagement, or even a storyteller who wants to captivate an audience — whiteboard animation gives a unique way of conveying that message. Unlock the power of whiteboard animation and discover its capability of changing just about everything in connecting with one’s audience.

