How to Use Hologram Advertising Displays Creatively for Your Business

Charlie anderson
3 min readMay 31, 2024


Are you looking for ways to differentiate your business in a competitive market? Hologram advertisement displays are an innovative technology that can attract the attention of potential buyers and make a long-lasting impression. This blog post looks at creative ways to use hologram advertising displays for your business.

3D Hologram Advertising- Overview

3D Hologram advertising displays employ lasers, and spatial light modulators to project high-resolution three-dimensional images into space. Such displays can be employed in different situations such as retail stores, trade shows, and outdoor advertising.

Benefits of 3D hologram advertising include:

  • Increased engagement: Hologram displays are interesting and interactive, making the customers participate in your brand.
  • Improved brand recall: Hologram displays uniqueness and memorability can enhance brand recognition and recall.
  • Enhanced customer experience: Hologram displays create an interactive and captivating experience, making your business different from your competitors.

7 Creative Ways to Use Hologram Advertising Displays

1. Product Demonstrations

Employ a hologram display to present your products in an unusual and captivating manner. In this case, if you are a fashion brand, you can show a hologram of a model wearing your latest designs so that the customers can see the clothes from different sides. If you are a fashion brand, you can show a hologram of a model wearing your latest design so that the customers can see the clothes from different sides. Employ a hologram display to present your product in a usual and captivating manner. In this case, if you are a fashion brand, you can show a hologram. It is of no use that a man who uses this demonstration would no longer require these

2. Interactive Storytelling

Make the audience participate in the message through the use of hologram displays to narrate the story of your brand or product. This is particularly beneficial for upmarket brands and products that have a high heritage.

3. Virtual Product Sampling

Enable customers to virtually test your products through holographic displays. This is especially helpful for products that are hard to display in a physical environment like fragrances and cosmetics.

4. Event Activations

Hologram displays enable an unforgettable experience at events, e. g. product launches or trade shows. You can create holograms of products, celebrities, or you can even create a virtual environment that is in line with your brand.

5. Window Displays

Turn your shop windows into a holographic showcase that draws attention to the public and encourages them to go inside your store.

6. In-Store Experiences

Make a virtual environment in-store by utilizing hologram displays that project product information, demos, or even virtual sales assistants.

7. Outdoor Advertising

Employ hologram displays in outdoor advertising, for example, on billboards or kiosks, to attract pedestrians and drivers.

Case Studies: Successful Hologram Advertising Campaigns

1. Coca-Cola’s Holographic Vending Machine

Coca-Cola invented a holographic vending that displays a 3D image of the Coke bottle, enabling the customer to interact with the product in an unusual manner.

2. Mercedes-Benz’s Holographic Car Display

Hologram displays used by Mercedes-Benz projected the 3D image of their newest car model which helped the customers in the exploration of the car model’s features and design.

3. Nike’s Holographic Sneaker Display

Nike developed a holographic version of their newest sneaker design that permitted clients to view the shoe from various perspectives and even to interact with it in a virtual space.

Tips for Implementing Hologram Advertising Displays

1. Keep it Simple

Although hologram displays steal attention, the content must be kept simple and easy to comprehend.

2. Integrate with Other Marketing Channels

Employ hologram displays as part of a mix of marketing channels, including social media and email marketing, thereby creating an integrated campaign.

3. Measure and Analyze

Monitor your hologram advertising campaign to understand its efficiency and base your decisions on data.

4. Consider the Environment

Check that the holographic display is adapted for the environment where it will be used. For instance, outdoor displays may need some extra cover of some sort.


Hologram advertising displays are a unique and creative way to interact with customers and advertise your business. With the knowledge of the advantages and innovative ways of applying hologram displays, you can come up with a remarkable and effective advertising campaign that distinguishes your enterprise from competitors. With the knowledge of the advantages and innovative way to introduce learning to the students.

