Ultimate Web Designer & Developer Course

Charlie Brown
3 min readJul 30, 2017


The course is created and instructed by Brad Hussey and Code College. This online class covers everything right from front end to back end programming. You will become a full stack developer with this course.

Become a Full-Stack Developer

The course is apt for absolute beginners, you can take the course even if you have zero knowledge of coding. All you need is a computer with any operating system. On top of all, there is no need to install expensive software. Just take the course and step into the right direction of becoming a full stack developer.

Here’s what the course offers to you:

  • You will learn more than 18 professional disciplines
  • Learn to plan, design and code your own self-directed projects
  • You will be able to plan, design and program robust and fully custom websites and apps
  • Design and code modern & responsive landing pages
  • Learn to build websites & applications with HTML5 & CSS3
  • Code games & animations with CSS3 and jQuery
  • Learn to use Adobe Photoshop for web design
  • You will be able to design a professional business card in Adobe Photoshop
  • Design with grids, on paper and on the screen
  • Know about the history and application of visual design
  • Wireframe and optimize UX for websites and applications
  • Learn to pick the right fonts for design & web projects
  • Create beautiful colour schemes based on scientific colour theory
  • With the course you build a “Tip Calculator” in Javascript
  • You will create useful “To Do List” web application in jQuery UI
  • Learn to set up hosting & domain names for your clients comfortably
  • You will be able to program advanced PHP applications
  • Design, build and manage custom database-driven websites with MySQL
  • Learn to build fully functional “Client Address Book” with PHP & MySQL
  • Get around setting up a WordPress blog in 5-minutes
  • Plan, Develop & Publish a “Survey” WordPress Plugin
  • Learn all about WordPress Plugin Development
  • You will be able to manage WordPress websites for your clients
  • Apply and get hired as a full-time web designer or web developer
  • With the skills developed through the course grow a profitable and successful freelance career
  • Earn a full-time income from the skills you learn from this course

The course also covers AngularJS. You will build an AngularJS application as a project with this course.

Following are the 23 projects you build with this course

As mentioned above the course will make you learn and build the following 23 projects:

Projects With Photoshop:

  • You will design a custom web graphic
  • Design custom business cards
  • You will be designing a modern landing page
  • Re-design a blog

Projects With HTML5 & CSS3:

  • You create multiple custom websites & web pages
  • Code the Google landing page
  • You create “Orbiting planets” animation in CSS3
  • A responsive “Startup Style” website project

Projects With JavaScript & jQuery

  • A working “Tip Calculator”
  • An actual race car game
  • A “To Do List” web application

Projects With PHP & MySQL

  • Dynamic websites
  • Awesome application that fixes clickbait headlines
  • A working “login” and “logout” sequence
  • A Profile page that pulls information from a database
  • Robust “Client Address Book” application that manages the information of your clients
  • Custom WordPress plugin

Project With AngularJS

  • Real Estate Listing Single-Page Application

Project WordPress Plugins

  • Custom, real world “survey” plugin

Who should take this course

  • Absolute beginners who want to design and program amazing websites & applications
  • Freelancers who want to deliver higher value to their web design clients
  • Designers & developers who want to start a successful freelance career
  • Developers and Programmers looking to improve their design skills
  • Graphic & Web Designers interested to dramatically improve their web development & programming skills

Here are the course stats & content info

  • 35000+ Students
  • Feedback score 4.6/5 (Total 4,642 Ratings)
  • 31.5 hours of video content
  • 3 supplemental resources
  • Life time access on one time payment


The course looks amazing, if you are interested, consider giving it a shot. If you have already taken this course, kindly share your honest opinion in the comments section. I look forward to hearing from you.

To view the course please go here

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