Coding notes

3 min readNov 7, 2016


In a compiled program (examples are C/C++ and Fortran):

  • The source code is fed into another program (usually a compiler), which produces an executable program (or an error).
  • The executable is run (by double clicking it, or typing it’s name on the command line)

Things that happen in the first step are said to happen at “compile time”, things that happen in the second step are said to happen at “run time”.

In an interpreted program (example MicroSoft basic (on dos) and python):

  • The source code is fed into another program (usually called an interpreter) which “runs” it directly. Here the interpreter serves as an intermediate layer between your program and the operating system (or the hardware in really simple computers).

In this case the difference between compile time and run time is rather harder to pin down, and much less relevant to the programmer or user.
Java is a sort of hybrid, where the code is compiled to bytecode, which then runs on a virtual machine (JVM) which is usually an interpreter for the bytecode.


一般binary search 就处理两种情况:
第一种情况:假设数组是按从小到大的顺序排列,从数组v中找一个元素,exactly 和 target相等,那么code是这样(返回 index)

int index(vector<int> v, int target) {
int left = 0;
int right = int(v.size()) — 1;
while (left <= right) {
int mid = left + (right — left) / 2;
if (v[mid] > target) {
right = mid — 1;
} else if (v[mid] < target) {
left = mid + 1;
} else {
return mid;
return -1;

第二种情况:我们有个性质叫 f, 是用一个函数来表示, f(x) 为真,表示x具有此性质, f(x)为假,表示x不具有此性质,举个例子:f(x) := x > 3 就表示 “x是否>3”这个性质,然后呢?我们需要假设v具有某种二分性质,其中所有满足 f(x)为假的x都在左半边, f(x)为真的都在右半边,现在要求找出 “第一个 f(x)为真的 那个x” (leetcode: first bad version),那么code是这样的:

int index(vector<int> v, int target) {

int left = 0;
int right = int(v.size()) — 1;
while (left <= right) {
int mid = left + (right — left) / 2;
if (f(v[mid])) {
right = mid — 1;
} else {
left = mid + 1;
return left;

注意这个code处理了所有情况,其中left就是所要求的index,那如果数组中所有元素都满足f(x)为假会怎么样呢?这时候 left最终输出的值就是 数组的size,也就是 v.end() 对应的position,可以理解为 “数组中第一个满足f(x)性质的元素的index是 v.end()”,其实就是说所有v[i] 都不满足性质,是不是非常和谐?哈哈

如果在情况2里面 不使用 +-1, 而用一些类似 right = mid; 这样的东西,那最后还要根据mid的值来判断到底是怎样的情况,code就不elegent了,
另外对于 “找出最后一个不满足 f(x) 性质” 的code,完全可以类似以上情况2去写, 最终结果返回如果是 -1 的话,说明所有v[i]都满足性质。


4 principle of OOD? 答案是:Encapsulation, Abstraction, Inheritance, Polymorphism.


get the last bit in a num that is 1 : b^(b&(b-1))


#quicksort partition

def _partition(self, nums, start, end):
if start == end:
return start
pivot_val = nums[start]
left, right = start, end
while left < right:
while right > left and nums[right] >= pivot_val:
right -= 1
nums[left] = nums[right]
while left < right and nums[left] <= pivot_val:
left += 1
nums[right] = nums[left]

nums[left] = pivot_val
return left






binary indexed tree

topological sort

long vs double, leetcode divide 2 integers

process, thread

java multithread

sharding, mysql master-slave

