Unscalable Bonus Bundles!

Charlie Guo
3 min readDec 17, 2015


I’m really excited to announce everyone who orders multiple copies (paperback OR ebook) before January 31st, 2016 can get their hands on the following exclusive content:

* Bonus audio interviews with new founders and companies (including Inkshares, Lockitron, Tiny Farms, and more!)
* Over $6,000 worth of tools and services to help fight the unscalable fight
* Guides to help apply some of the unscalable lessons found in the book
* One-on-one emails/hangouts/chats with me

I’ve been working for the last couple of months to put together exclusive extras for backers who buy multiple copies of the book. If you’re interested in some extra content, some potential advice, or just want to get a second copy of the book for someone you know, this is your chance! So here’s the breakdown:

2 Copies (thanks for your support!)

  • Exclusive audio interview not found in the book (including Inkshares, Lockitron, and Tiny Farms; a full list coming soon)
  • The Unscalable Guide: An overview of the lessons and techniques found in the book, which you can apply towards your own projects and companies.

5 Copies (dang you’re awesome!)

  • All of the above, plus…
  • Writing An Interview-based Book: A summary of how I compiled and published a book based on interviews. Helpful if you’re working on something similar!
  • Email scripts: The templates that I used to reach out to the founders and CEOs featured in Unscalable.

10 Copies (holy cow, TEN copies??)

  • All of the above, plus…
  • Access to Founders Kit (https://founderskit.co/): Over $6,000 worth of coupons for the best startup tools and resources, including 3 months free from a variety of useful traction tools like CrazyEgg, Invision, PR.co, Olark, Positionly, Proto.io, Weebly, Instapage, Wistia, BladeWP, Segment, and other discounts from dozens more.
  • Email with me! You’ll get a private email address that lets you get directly in touch with me! We can talk about anything you want, including the book, programming, good craft beers, your startup, or anything else.

25+ Copies (¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

  • All of the above, plus…
  • Hangout with me! Similar to the email, we can have a private chat via Google Hangouts to talk about whatever you want.
  • Other stuff! I have no idea what might compel you to get 25 or more copies, but if there is something I can offer, please tell me!

Side note: Reasons why you might want to chat with me.
To be clear, I’m not saying that I “have it figured out” or “know all the answers”. That’s rubbish. Success is never guaranteed in startups, and the vast, vast majority of them fail. BUT, at this point I’ve spent over a hundred hours talking to founders on the early days of their companies, and how they grew their users counts into the thousands or millions. Not to mention I’ve started a couple of companies of my own.
After all of this, I’d like to think that I at least have a short list of things NOT to do, if not some decent ideas on new techniques to try. So in our video chat we can discuss your company and potential ways for you to accelerate your growth doing unscalable things, while discussing some common pitfalls you may want to avoid.

Interested in something else, like collaborating on a talk or a workshop? Let me know and we can find a way to work it out.

Email unscalable.bonuses@gmail.com to get in touch! I’m going to spend the rest of December finalizing the content, and I’ll be messaging backers to confirm their bonuses in January.



Charlie Guo

Get my latest writing at https://ignorance.ai/ A YC and Stanford alum writing about AI. Bringing insights from 10 years in tech and 15 years of programming.