Welcome to the Museum of WTF

Charlie Teljeur
3 min readJun 19, 2020


Say you lived like, 1100 years ago (roughly). And say you were given the task of recording history, or at least historical text.

But along with recording the history, the fables and the stories you were also responsible for illustrating the book in a sort of Medieval text-heavy, graphic novel.

Your creation is what they would come to call Illuminated Manuscripts.

Here’s an example of one:

Ye Cannot Make Me c. 1297

What’s particularly interesting about Illuminated Manuscripts is who’s responsible for actually creating them. For the most part, these books were religious in nature and the inhabitants of various monasteries (yes monks) were essentially both the authors and the illustrators.

One would naturally think that this would mean very staid, Biblical works showing both an utter reverence for Christianity but also a very conservative and traditional approach to the subject matter.

Not so fast.

Who Needs Pants, Not Thou? c. 1092

Medieval dick pics. Didn’t see that one coming.

What you soon come to realize is that, well, monks can be some really fucked up people.

It all makes sense really. The isolation. The meditation. The vows of celibacy. Hell, maybe even a bender or two.

Monks really must have had some time on their hands. The evidence kind of speaks for itself.

Manscaping In The Beginning c. 1217

There is so much I’m dying to know.

Like, was cannabis already a thing back then?

Do standard monks have homicidal tendencies?

Did the sexual repression really get to you?

And what’s with all the fucking rabbits?

Anyway, I’d like to present to you some stuff you just can’t unsee.

Welcome to Museum of Illuminated Manuscripts.


I Wanted A Dog c. 1312
Enough With The Stale Carrots! c. 975
How Does The Diet Go Ladies? c. 1192
Try Finding A Sweater c. 1121
Magnificent Shot But Also Ow! c. 1157
Would It Kill Thee To Knock? c. 1247
Call Me Pat c. 982
What, No Weed Peasant? c. 1158
We Warned Ye c. 897
I Think We Have Invented A Fetish Dikembe! c. 997
I Drank A Lot Last Night c. 1015
Lord Bartholomew Knows Yoga c. 1190
Not Wounded. Sleeping c. 985
Jebediah The Prankster c. 1082

