Stonewall and white cis gay bullshit.

Charl Landsberg
3 min readSep 17, 2017


Stonewall has released a statement in the light of a homeless trans woman defending herself against a TERF who attacked her in the street.

“Stonewall condemns violence.

There is no place for violence in our movement, as a form of attack or retaliation. There is no resolution that will be achieved through violence or language inciting violence.

Dehumanising discussion and actions hurt us all, divide us, and stokes that division.

Stonewall has always achieved change through consensus building. We will find a way to that consensus, but it is clear that the current toxic discussion, and now violence, is not the way.

We must find a way to achieve and maintain equality for trans communities that does not cause emotional damage and that makes people allies, not enemies.” [1]

1) Transgender people defending themselves against violent attack by TERFs is now ‘condemned’ by Stonewall. Fuck. Cis. Gay. People. Fuck them. It is profoundly telling how easily trans people get thrown under the bus when the Gay Inc.’s respectability machine is threatened. Trans people must just take this shit now? No. Fuck you. You’re just as bad as the fucking TERFs and Nazis.

2) Transgender people defending themselves against physical attack is ‘retaliation’? This is a fantastic example of the intellectual dishonesty of cis white people. Defending ourselves shouldn’t be framed as some sort of point we’re making. We’re not ‘retaliating’, we’re not engaged in ‘revenge’, this isn’t some sort of philosophical exercise we’re contemplating, we’re trying to survive physical attacks by violent and hateful bigots.

3) As @nonbinarygxd on Twitter says: “Ummm…. this ahistorical liberal nonsense is treacherous. Newsflash, violence in the hands of the oppressed vs. oppressors is not the same.” [2]Of course forgetting history is the first thing that happens when a group started by trans women of colour is taken over by white cis men. It is a profound act of privilege and ignorance to pretend that Stonewall was born out of “pacifism” when queer people were literally beaten up, jailed, and killed so you can have your wedding cake. As @_hoemo on Twitter says: “…….so…what the hell do you think Stonewall was? A peaceful talk over tea and orgies?” [3]

4) Stonewall claims: “Stonewall has always achieved change through consensus building.” How bad does it have to be for an organisation not to know it’s own history. Fuck “consensus”. The safety and lives of trans people shouldn’t have to rely on “consensus”. Also, what change Stonewall has achieved has been through protests, riots, sit ins, public disruption… but hey, don’t let actual history get in the way of your comfort zone.

5) The “violence” of the oppressed defending themselves and the violence of the oppressors are not the same. Again, to equate these two shows a profound dishonesty. I’m not even going to call it ignorance anymore because white cis people know exactly what they’re doing.

6) “There is no place for violence in our movement” — It’s funny, because that’s exactly what cis white gay people are doing. They’re taking part in systemic violence against trans people in this example. They’re taking part in systemic violence against POC who don’t have the luxuries and privileged afforded white gay people.

7) “We must find a way to achieve and maintain equality for trans communities that does not cause emotional damage and that makes people allies, not enemies.” — Fuck cis people. If you’re not on our side because our cause doesn’t cater to your dewicate wittle feewings, then you’re not on our side to begin with. This isn’t about you. Stop making this about respectability politics. To paraphrase Christina Greta, too often we’re told “You attract more flies with honey than vinegar.” Problem is, we don’t want any fucking flies. If trans people being angry about the way we’re treated means that you’re our “enemies” then you’ve been our enemies all along. If trans people fighting back against violence means you’re out “enemies” then you’ve been our enemies all along. Fuck you cis people. Fuck you white people. Grow up. Step up. Or fuck off.



Charl Landsberg

Writer, poet, musician, and artist. Trans, nonbinary, femme, womxn, queer, and pansexual. Chocolate fan, often prone to D&D and dice collection.