CT Scans in 13 easy steps

Charlotte Dance
3 min readJan 3, 2017


Have you ever had a CT Scan? I hadn’t up to this point. I think I thought I had, but I was clearly mistaken, because you wouldn’t forget a CT Scan. I honestly thought this would be a pretty easy test. You lay in a machine it does some sort of circley magic trick and then the doctors can tell what your insides look like. I’ve had a few x-rays in my day and although they are clearly not good for you, they don’t really feel like anything. That was my expectation going into this test.

Doctors tell you all the time not to Google, but you know what, sometimes it is good to Google. I would have at least known what to expect. Now I’ve going to save you that need to search. Here’s what it consists of:

Step 1: Don’t drink or eat anything four hours before your appointment.

Step 2: Find out you aren’t allowed to drink or eat leading up to your appointment because you are about to drink the most horrendous medical tasting drink imaginable which often makes people vomit. (imagine diet redbull mixed with some cheap dollar store alcoholic beverage…but with none of the fun that makes drinking that combo worthwhile). This was no easy feat for me. It was a big glass and I don’t really consume enough water or beverages on the daily.

Step 3: Sit in waiting room while drinking beverage and stay there for 30 minutes while it works it’s way through your body. Stare at “Free WiFi” sign posted on wall as you attempt to use your MTS phone which has no reception and refuses to connect to said free WiFi. Admit defeat and read metro from four days ago as your fiancé has full access on his Rogers phone. (this step may not be included in your CT Scan).

Step 4: Finally go into scanning room where guy in charge (not sure if he is a technician or nurse because he seemed to have multiple skills) informs you that you will need an IV. Freak out because you hate needles and weren’t prepared at all. Realize you are older than the guy about to calm you down and you are acting like a scared little kid. Once again the second part of this step may just be my experience.

Step 5: Get IV. Realize it wasn’t that bad and that this guy is the best at giving IV’s you’ve ever had. Appreciate it and get ready for test….

Step 6: Find out the reason you are getting an IV is that they need to put a dye in your body that will make you feel super hot. Like a rush of heat at the top of your head…and then rushes down your body where it then makes you feel as though you’ve peed yourself (luckily you don’t actually pee yourself…while I didn’t at least).

Step 7: Machine spins around and round making spaceship sounds which are pretty cool, but also a little freaky.

Steps 8–13: Get out of machine, remove IV, get dressed, go to the bathroom, go get food because you haven’t eaten yet and you’re starving & finally post ridiculous selfie that you took with Sean attempting to drink awful drink.

So there you have it, CT Scan in a nutshell. Luckily for me the test came back with good results. Which meant no need for anymore surgeries before chemo begins.



Charlotte Dance

I am passionate about #dancing #music #theatre #art #festivals #summer #winnipeg #family #friends #education #travel & am an #ovariancancer #survivor