How To Travel To Schengen With Bulgaria Type D Visa

charlotte david
4 min readNov 6, 2023


Traveling through the Schengen Area can be an unforgettable experience, filled with vibrant cultures, stunning landscapes, and rich history. Suppose you hold a Bulgaria Type D visa allowing access to multiple European countries within its jurisdiction.

In that case, we have put together this comprehensive guide on how best to maximize your experience by using one. We will walk through all the steps involved and give essential tips and information on making the most out of it all.

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Before embarking on any Schengen journey, it’s essential that you fully comprehend what a Bulgaria Type D visa entails. Issued by the Republic of Bulgaria and categorized as long-stay, this permit enables travelers to reside and travel within Bulgaria for over 90 days as well as travel throughout the Schengen Zone.

Countries Included In The Schengen Area

The Schengen Area comprises 26 European countries that have collectively lifted passport controls at their borders, creating a single territory for international travel.

Some popular Schengen countries include France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Greece — making a Bulgaria Type D visa an effective tool to explore them all!

Applying For A Bulgaria Type D Visa

To obtain a Bulgaria Type D visa and start traveling through the Schengen Area, the application process will need to be followed carefully. Here are the essential steps:

Accumulate Necessary Documents:

Proof of Travel Insurance and Accommodation Accommodation in Bulgaria.

Proof of financial resources to support you during your stay. A no-objection letter from either your employer or educational institution (if applicable). Flight itinerary and travel plans.

Visit a Bulgarian Consulate or Embassy

Locate and schedule an appointment at your nearest Bulgarian consulate or embassy to submit your visa application along with all required documents.

Always double-check the validity period of your dummy flight ticket, as it may expire after a certain timeframe, which could affect your travel plans or visa applications.

Pay The Visa Fee:

When Applying for a visa, there will be an application fee that varies based on both your nationality and the type of visa requested. This amount may depend on what kind of application form is filled out for it and a possible fee waiver or reduction depending on who applies and when.

Assemble For An Interview:

In certain circumstances, you may be required to attend an interview at an embassy or consulate. Be prepared to answer questions regarding your travel plans, accommodations, and purpose of visit.

Wait for Processing:
Visa processing times can take several weeks; be sure to apply well in advance of your desired travel date.

Once your visa is approved, collect it at the consulate or embassy according to any specific instructions regarding its collection process.

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Traveling Within The Schengen Zone

Now that you have obtained your Bulgaria Type D visa, you are prepared to explore the Schengen countries. Below are a few key points that should be kept in mind:

Entry And Exit Points:

Your ideal point of entry and exit would be Bulgaria, as this will be where your visa was issued; however, once in the Schengen Zone, you have the freedom to travel between its member countries.

Duration Of Stay:

Your Bulgaria Type D visa allows you to stay within any 180 days for up to 90 days within any 90-day period, making it imperative to monitor how long your stay duration lasts in order to avoid overstaying it and breaching its conditions.

Travel Plans:

Make the most of your stay by carefully considering your itinerary. Explore as many countries in Schengen as possible during your stay; research each destination, book accommodation early, and consider using a Eurail pass for efficient train travel.

Travel Insurance:

Always carry valid travel insurance to cover medical emergencies and any unexpected events during your journey. Schengen countries often require proof of coverage in order to enter.

Currency And Payments:

Familiarize yourself with the currency used in each Schengen country before traveling. Also, notify your bank to avoid any issues with credit/debit cards during your journey.


While English is spoken throughout Schengen countries, learning some key phrases of their native tongue will enrich your travel experience and broaden your horizons.
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