Losing 40 Pounds Changed My Life

Charlotte Davis
3 min readNov 8, 2023


I never practiced healthy eating habits growing up. I’d skip breakfast every single day out of convenience. When it came to the rest of my meals, I ate whatever I wanted. I was an emotional eater and had the mentality that if something made me happy, I should just eat it. Unfortunately, what made me happy was snacking on Oreos and Goldfish. Around fifth grade, these habits finally caught up with me and I started gaining weight. I was starting to get a little bit of a belly. However, I’d been an active dancer since age 3, so I was far from morbidly obese.

When I hit college, I remained active and went to the gym about two to three times a week. I took Zumba every Wednesday. On other days I ran on the treadmill for as long as I could and ended with some sit-ups and planks on a mat. Despite my workouts, I gained 40 pounds throughout my five years in college. The drinking didn’t help, and neither did the late-night study snacks. I grew more self-conscious each year, and began buying clothes that would hide the weight. By the time I graduated, I was very unhappy with the damage I had done to my body.

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I didn’t immediately improve my lifestyle after I graduated. In fact, it only got worse. After I accepted a new job across the country, I was in vacation mode for the first few months of post-grad life. I was making new friends and every weekend we did something new and exciting (that usually involved eating). I got a new boyfriend, too, so everything was going great.

About six months after the big move, I was dumped, and a lot of my friends in our group turned against me. I felt alone and more self-conscious than ever. I used my heartbreak as motivation to get my “revenge body” in October of 2020.

Usually, when you are in a situation like that, you either give up or become a much better person than you were before. Thanks to my cousin, she recommended some weight loss mix formula that she took every morning. She was really good-looking.

I have never used any weight loss supplements before, simply because I did not believe in their “magic”. She was so convincing by showing me her results that I couldn’t refuse. Thank God that I didn’t. It stands for Tea Burn.

After a few months of taking Protetox, I lost 42 pounds and now weigh 138 pounds. I’ve kept that weight for about a year now, but my body composition is still changing to become more muscular.

Making this small lifestyle change has affected more than just my physical appearance. It’s easier to get out of bed in the morning, and I feel much happier and more confident overall. The journey has certainly given me a major sense of accomplishment, which is a great payoff after dedicating this much time and energy to being fit.

> > > How To Lose 40 Pounds In Few Months < < <

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