“Follow your passion”

2 min readJan 13, 2020


Water and Earth (2019)

They said follow your passion

And so I did

On campus I meticulously weighed the options

This has better work life balance

This pays more

This is something I care about

I philosophized with my peers

“If I love my career then work won’t seem like work”

“71% of days are spent working so might as well make them enjoyable”

Compromise (2019)

So I started work

I climbed with irreverence & an overachiever’s ambition

I loved it

I talked about it

I prioritized it

But money peeked its head

Do what the customer wants

Do what the shareholders need

Sate the sick pig’s appetite

Like a musician at the big label’s office

Like a filmmaker at the studio’s conference room

I compromised my agency

I dabbled in imperfection

I struck a balance

To hunt and gather — and persist

For Further Reading…

