Global Movements

Charlotte Roberts
2 min readSep 29, 2014


The Internet has the power to mould the minds of the people. It has become such a big part of the lives we lead that it influences us before we even realise. After waking up in the morning, what is the first thing you do? Check your phone for news and social media attention that has been taking shape while you were sleeping? Yeah me too. I check it on my lunch break, I talk about what I have read with my friends and I take in the opinions of people I respect on issues that I choose to involve myself in.

Due to a huge number of the first world population engaging in this nature of online activity on a daily basis the Internet now has the power to drive a global movement. Political and social issues are discussed around the clock and between the media and social media platforms it would be almost impossible to think that the power of online media has taken on a life of its own.

Through platforms such as twitter the average person can be exposed to live, up to the minute information on any issue they deem relative or interesting to them. They can follow journalists, publications and experts; these opinions and the information shared here by the right person has the power to influence an unbelievable amount of people.

It is also true that the Internet is not available in every country or to every person so to say that it has the power to start a global movement may seem like a slight exaggeration. These countries or people may not know about the movement in question by reading about it or being influenced by it online but no doubt they will feel the effects in a global ripple effect. In the event of an online global movement across the first world there is no doubt the effects will be felt throughout the entire population.

It is a powerful tool that can be used for socialising, advertisement, political soapboxing and activist voicing. In the words of Spiderman “With great power comes great responosibility…”

