What is your Superpower?

Charmain Tan
4 min readNov 2, 2019


Its been 3 weeks since i had my spiritual birthday (being baptised). These 3 weeks felt like 3 months.

Day to day, i experience a new challenge and a new breakthrough. Personally and Career wise. Let me share this journey with you!

A realisation that everyone has a superpower.

Everyone is blessed with a special gift. A spiritual gift and certain talents within us. The fun challenge about life is about discovering what is this God-given gift and superpower. And appreciating ourselves for it. I have always felt bad for not living up to my own expectations. Actually many-a-times, I could not do so because of this superpower that I have.

Many says i think really fast, because i speak really fast. I happen to have an associative brain that connects the dots really fast and i happen to think and speak at the same time. Not only that, i happen to think 3–5 steps ahead. Sounds like an amazing talent right? But this talent comes with a cost too. At the end of the day, working with teams means to be able to think not just 3–5 steps ahead but also the next few essential steps to reach steps 3, 4, 5.

Learning lesson? Appreciate the special talent that we have but be aware of whats needed to make this superpower a superbooster.

This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you. For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” (NLT) 2 Timothy 1: 6–7

Mental Wellness

So last week, i attended a course on Adult ADHD, as I hear the speaker shared about his own life story and experience, I started to suspect that I probably also have mild ADHD. To many, it might be of concern to realise that. But for me, it felt more like a relief. Because I finally understood why I am the way I am. Back to the theory of superpower, every person with ADHD also has a unique superpower. For me, its the ability to hyperfocus. When i set my mind on something, I will be hyperfocus to work towards achieving it. As for my anxiety issues, or restlessness, this could be managed structurally.

Learning Lesson? Sometimes if we wonder why we are the way we are, we can pray to ask God to reveal to us and for the wisdom to find the gem within it.

If your are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present. — Lao Tzu

Why we have to Go through certain experiences in life

So i was reading a book today — Visioneering. The first building block of Vision: A vision begins as a concern.

For anyone trying to clarify the right vision to pursue, a good question to ask is simply this: “What breaks my heart?”

We are formed by our experiences in life. I always asked God, why put me through such an accelerated path for growth with the never ending challenges, pain and heartbreaks. As I read the first chapter of the book, I started to understand. These problems are the fundamental blocks of the vision that i have for my life and business today. And its also simply because I experienced this challenge for myself, I could relate to the others whom are walking through something similar. Hence as i face these problems day by day, i am motivated to overcome them because I know if I could, I could help many others to overcome it too.

Superpower + Experiences = your X-Factor in your Vision

So just last week, I met this super human reader, Mel. Mel just sat beside me listening to me blabber about my life for 3hours and poke me in each chapter of my life with a word — WHY. Never did I know he was trying to figure out whats that fire within me that is making me so driven. I told him about my passion to educate kids in developing countries on digitalization. Never did I know it was driven by a personal life experience of my desire to start my own business when i was 14, but could not because of family and also the chat with a 4 year old boy in my missions trip in Thailand. When i asked him what he wanted to achieve in life, he said to be a soldier. Back in my mind then, I was wondering, what if i have the power to help him achieve that and thats why i am so passionate about education in digitalization.

Everyone has a dream in life, but not everyone is blessed enough to be given the opportunity to fulfil their dreams. So for those of us whom could, we should be thankful and for those whom may not have the luxury, lets see how we can help them k?

Don’t be envious of anyone or compare ourselves to anyone. Its for us to take ownership of our own dreams or God-given vision and to uncover our God-given superpower.

#tolearnandgrow #unleashyourpotential #education #digitalization

