Tips For Staying Cool Under Pressure

Charmel Bowden
3 min readJun 25, 2019

The average person has a lot going on from a day to day basis, and sometimes it can seem like a whirlwind. Sometimes you may just want to give up or explode because you’re so tired of it all and giving up seems easier. This usually isn’t the best way to handle things, and there’s most likely a solution that can help you keep your cool. If you can develop the ability to keep your cool, you’re likely to experience less stress, anxiety, and worry. You’ll be able to focus on the task at hand as opposed to just giving up in frustration. Here are a few great ways to keep your cool when the going gets tough.

Remove Yourself From the Situation

The first thing you want to do is try and remove yourself from the situation. It’s important to take the time and space to think and consider possibilities before moving forward. It’s important to ask yourself a few things, such as why you might be suddenly feeling pressured, or if you’re interpreting the situation correctly. A lot of the time the pressure is just all made up in your head, as opposed to it being an outside force. It’s also important to ask yourself what you want out of the situation so you can shift your perspective a little bit.

Use Empowering Language

A big part of taking control of a high-pressure situation is the language you use to talk to yourself in those challenging times. Language is powerful and can help keep yourself calm or lead you a darker path. It’s good to say things such as “I can handle this” or “I am in control” in order to make yourself feel calm and in control of the situation. If you can gain control of the way you emotionally respond using language, you’ll be able to make better decisions that will help you work through pressure better.

Seek Support

A great but sometimes not easy way to stay cool under pressure is to just seek support from your peers. A lot of individuals will choose to try and work through the situation on their own, perhaps due to pride, but it’s almost always easier if you ask for support in situations where you can. By closing yourself in and not working with others, you’ll be more likely to make mistakes or hit roadblocks which could take you severely off course. It’s good to speak to someone who has perhaps gone through something similar, as they may give you a different perspective on the situation.

Keeping your cool in a tough situation is one of the keys to living a happy, healthy life. Life is full of many challenges in different forms, so it’s smart to try and practice good practices when it comes to staying calm in a difficult situation. It’s generally important to remember that while whatever pressure might be presented to you, it likely isn’t the end of the world try to keep calm.

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Charmel Bowden

Based in Alexandria, VA, Charmel Bowden is a dedicated leadership coach and strategic consultant with a flair for the creative.