Hyperledger Fabric Certificate Authority(CA)

Charmy garg
3 min readApr 12, 2020


Every operation in Hyperledger must be signed cryptographically with certificates. You can generate certificates yourself using OpenSSL or by using the third party. Before moving further into details of CA lets first explore Hyperledger Fabric a little.

Hyperledger Fabric

Hyperledger Fabric founded in 2015 which is an umbrella for open source projects some of which are Blockchain Distributed Ledger Frameworks such as Fabric, Sawtooth, and Iroha. Hyperledger Fabric is a permissioned blockchain, means that parties that join the network are authenticated to participate on network. It reduces security risks and display records to only to the parties involved. It provides:

  • Data Privacy
  • Information Sharing
  • Immutability

That was a concise description of Hyperledger Fabric. Now, let's explore the importance of Hyperledger Fabric CA.

Fabric Certificate Authority (CA)

Fabric CA is a tool through which you can generate certificates. Let say you have 10 users then, 10 certificates get generated for 10 users. You can add additional information called attributes in certificates. So this information is propagated to the system. Chain codes (Smart Contracts in Blockchain) can read this data and perform different operations As this information is within certificates you can’t modify it which makes the process secure.

You can generate certificates by specifying the username, password, and affiliations which are called Enrollment. With these certificates, you have to sign each and every request. Some data of the certificates will be stored inside the ledger through which you can know who actually executes the operation.

Fabric CA Architecture

From the tree-like structured diagram you can see that Fabric-CA root Server is the root node of the entire tree. You can interact with Fabric-CA Server via Fabric-CA Client or through one of the Fabric SDKs. There can be multiple Fabric-CA Intermediate Servers. Each Intermediate Fabric-CA server in the figure can be configured Fabric-CA server cluster. The client routes to an HA Proxy endpoint which load balances traffic to one of the fabric-ca-server cluster members. All Hyperledger Fabric CA servers in a cluster share the same database for keeping track of identities and certificates.

Let's start with some Prerequisites before starting the CA server.


  • The Hyperledger Fabric Project uses Go Langauge thus, GO 1.9+ must be installed.
  • The correct configuration for GOPATH environment variable must be set after the cloning Fabric-CA project.
export GOPATH=/Path/to/fabric_ca
  • Ensure that libtool and libtdhl-dev packages are installed.
  • Run the following command to install fabric-ca-server and fabric-ca-client in $GOPATH/bin directory:
go get -u github.com/hyperledger/fabric-ca/cmd/...

Initializing Fabric-CA Server

You can start with initializing Fabric CA Server. This provides an opportunity for you to generate a default configuration file that can be reviewed and customized before starting the server.

fabric-ca-server init -b admin:adminpw

Here, -b specifies the name and password for a bootstrap identity. The fabric-ca-server init the command generates a default configuration file named fabric-ca-server-config.yaml in the server’s home directory.

Starting the Fabric-CA Server

If earlier the Fabric-CA server is not initialized, it will initialize itself when it started for the first time that will generate the ca-cert.pem and ca-key.pem files.

fabric-ca-server start -b admin:adminpw

Now, the Fabric CA server should be up and running listening on port 7054.

Configuring the database

By default the database that Fabric uses is SQLite. You can configure the Fabric CA server to connect to PostgreSQL or MySQL databases. Open default database file fabric-ca-server-config.yaml in the Fabric CA server’s home directory and modify the DB for:

  • PostgreSQL
type: postgres
datasource: host=localhost port=5432 user=<Username> password=<Password> dbname=fabric_ca sslmode=require
  • MySQL
type: mysql
datasource: root:rootpw@tcp(localhost:3306)/fabric_ca?parseTime=true&tls=custom

Now, you have started the Fabric CA server after configuring the required database. For more information, you can refer to Hyperledger Official Documentation. In my next blog, we will discuss How to enroll and register Fabric-CA Client.

Till then Happy Coding

Stay Tuned!!

