Why does Gen Z Crave Authenticity Over Everything Else?

Charlotte Trecartin
3 min readMar 2, 2023


Authentic GenZ Girls Having Fun
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Authenticity is a core value that is highly valued by Gen Z. As a generation that has grown up with access to vast amounts of information and an abundance of options, we have become increasingly skeptical of false claims and disingenuous marketing tactics. Which is why I think it is important to explore why authenticity is so important to Gen Z, and how it influences our decision-making process.

Weeding out the fakes

One of the reasons why authenticity is important to Gen Z is that we have grown up in an age of fake news, deep fakes, and social media influencers who promote products they don’t even use. We are bombarded with messages from brands and content creators that try to sell us products or services, and we have become increasingly wary of their claims. As a result, we have developed a keen sense of detecting what is real and what is not.

Gaining trust

Authenticity is a valuable trait because it allows us to establish trust with others. When someone is authentic, it means that they are genuine, honest, and true to themselves. This kind of authenticity creates a sense of trust and reliability, which is something that Gen Z values in our relationships, both personal and professional. We want to know that the people and brands we interact with are honest and have our best interests at heart.

Looking for true self expression

In a world where social media has become the dominant mode of communication, authenticity is more important than ever. We have seen countless examples of influencers who have been caught promoting products they don’t use or claiming experiences that are not genuine. This kind of behavior erodes our trust in influencers and brands and makes us question the authenticity of their content. In contrast, when influencers are authentic, they create a deeper connection with their audience and build a loyal following. I’ve personally noticed that the best influencers are the ones who share everything and are whole heartedly themselves.

Becoming more socially aware

Authenticity is also a value that aligns with our desire for social justice and equality. As a generation that is socially conscious, we want to see brands and content creators that share our values and are working towards making the world a better place. We want to see authentic representation of diverse groups, including people of color, the LGBTQ+ community, and people with disabilities, among others. Brands that are not authentic in their representation of diversity risk alienating Gen Z consumers who value inclusivity and authenticity.

It’s more about the experience of the product

Another reason why authenticity is important to Gen Z is that we value experiences over material possessions. We are less interested in owning things and more interested in having meaningful experiences. This means that we are attracted to brands and content creators that offer authentic experiences that are unique and meaningful. We are more likely to engage with brands that are authentic and offer experiences that align with our values and interests.

Authenticity also plays a role in our decision-making process when it comes to choosing which brands to support. We want to know that the brands we support are transparent about their practices and have a genuine interest in making a positive impact in the world. We are more likely to support brands that have a purpose beyond just making a profit and that are actively working to make the world a better place.

In summary, authenticity is a core value that is highly valued by Gen Z. We have become increasingly skeptical of false claims and disingenuous marketing tactics and are attracted to brands and content creators that are authentic and transparent. Authenticity allows us to establish trust with others, aligns with our desire for social justice and equality, and is a key factor in our decision-making process when choosing which brands to support. Brands and content creators that prioritize authenticity in their messaging and practices will be rewarded with a loyal and engaged Gen Z audience.



Charlotte Trecartin

Marketing to GenZ through my own company. Sharing what I learn along the way.