A Manifesto

CHArts Place Partnership Team
4 min readNov 26, 2017


By Lisa Baxter, The Experience Business

What is a Manifesto?

A Manifesto is a powerful statement of intent designed to galvanise a community of people around a shared belief system and inspire action via common cause.

What a great starting point, we thought, for the Place Partnership in Argyll and the Isles.

Creating a Manifesto that gives voice to the beliefs, values and aspirations of the region’s creative community could kick-start collective action, action with ‘teeth’ that would tangibly contribute to a more sustainable creative economy through all the opportunities the Place Partnership affords.

And so, we will be hosting gatherings for the region’s creative community to explore what this Manifesto might look like. We are going in with a blank page, without preconceptions but with a desire for activating and not just talking.

What form does a Manifesto take?

Manifesto’s can take many forms.

They can be lengthy impassioned treatises, like this example of the Anarchist Manifesto.

They can be visionary and inspirational orations that have withstood the test of time because of the enduring power of their content, like Dr. Kings I Have a Dream speech.

Manifestos can be highly specific, detailed and contextualised, perhaps taking the form of a book, like the Labour Party Election Manifesto 2017, or expressed as a simple set of bullet points like Austin Kleon’s Make Art Manifesto.

Labour Party Manifesto
Austin Kleon’s make art manifesto

More recently, values-driven brands have taken to creating visual Manifesto’s, like this example from the T-shirt brand Holstee which has reached cult status and can be bought as a framed artwork because of its broad appeal and ability to connect with people.

Holstee Manifesto

What could make a great Manifesto for Culture Heritage and Art in Argyll and the Isles?

The difference between a good and a great Manifesto is the degree to which it makes the reader ‘feel’ affinity with its cause. Unlike mission statements which can be quite bland and corporate, great Manifestos will resonate with a dispersed community of people all of whom have similar values and goals. Whilst the essential Manifesto ingredients may be similar across organisations and look something like this …

  • This is what we believe in and stand for …
  • And these are our values …
  • We aspire to …
  • To this end, we will …
  • And the positive difference we will make is …
  • If you believe what we believe, and want what we want, then join us as we …

… the narrative that emerges is unique to its context and the people who fuel it. Done well, this narrative will feel authentic and relevant, capable of inspiring and motivating people to want to take part.

We believe that co-developing a Manifesto is extremely important to the success of the Argyll and the Isles Place Partnership and CHArts to bring artists and creatives together around a common cause. By engaging the input and support of the creative community from the very start, and allowing ideas and aspirations to flourish, we will instigate a positive movement for change that grows from the ground up, fuelled by its collective energy and building momentum as the Place Partnership begins to unfold.

A Manifesto for Culture Heritage and Arts in Argyll and the Isles will be developed through a series of sessions across the region.

We are hosting Kickstart events across the region the first of these are below

To reserve a place on our first sessions follow the links and register through http://chartsargyllandisles.eventbrite.com.

The schedule is :


Tuesday 27th November, Rockfield Centre 3.00pm — 7.00pm


Wednesday 28th November, Mackintosh Club, 2.30pm- 6.00pm


Thursday 30th November, Dunoon Burgh Hall, 10.00am- 1.00pm


Friday 1st December, St Columba Centre, 1.30pm — 4.30pm


Saturday 2nd December, Templar Arts and Leisure Centre, 11.00am — 2.00pm

This is the first round of sessions and further ones can be held once we gauge levels off interest in other regions, if people have a request for a session in their area they can get in touch with Chris on chris@argyllandisles.org



CHArts Place Partnership Team

Writing about Culture, Heritage and Arts in Argyll and the Isles, Scotland. Running the Culture Heritage and Arts Assembly Place Partnership Project