Book Review #1: Tech Simplified by Deepak Singh

Charu Bishnoi
3 min readApr 13, 2024


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Like many others, I’ve been captivated by the dynamic world of Product Management. However, the sheer amount of online resources can be overwhelming, leaving you unsure where to begin. Enter “Tech Simplified” by Deepak Singh, a book recommended by a friend that became a game-changer in my career transition journey.

Singh brilliantly addresses the pain point of impenetrable tech documentation. He acknowledges the struggle non-technical individuals face and tailors his writing to ensure clear and concise explanations. This reader-friendly approach makes complex concepts approachable, even for those without a programming background.

Photo by Tamarcus Brown on Unsplash

Deepak Singh makes a compelling claim: By the end of “Tech Simplified,” you’ll have a grasp of over 250 tech concepts. This ambitious goal might seem daunting at first, but throughout the book, Singh skillfully unpacks complex topics, making them accessible even for non-technical readers. We’ll delve deeper into the book’s content to see if it lives up to this promise.

The initial chapters of “Tech Simplified” might seem basic, covering topics like computer components, software, and the internet. However, Singh wisely lays the groundwork for understanding more complex concepts later in the book. These seemingly simple chapters are packed with valuable insights. You’ll encounter everyday terms like “pixel,” “modem,” and “VPN” explained in a clear and concise way. Many of us use these terms without truly understanding their meaning. By taking the time to grasp these foundational concepts, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the more intricate technical discussions encountered later in the book and within the product management domain.

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As you progress through, the book delves into more advanced topics like Databases, DevOps, and System Design. For someone without a computer science background (like myself!), these chapters introduce a plethora of new terminology. While grasping every detail might be challenging initially, the value lies in gaining a foundational understanding.

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The final chapters of “Tech Simplified” take the learning a step further by delving into the world of system design. Singh walks you through the process of building the architecture for popular applications like Uber, Airbnb, and WhatsApp. This practical approach serves two key purposes. Firstly, it reinforces the understanding of the technical terms and concepts covered earlier in the book. Secondly, it provides a valuable glimpse into how these concepts are applied in real-world scenarios. By dissecting the architecture of these well-known apps, you gain a deeper understanding of how seemingly disparate technical elements come together to create a seamless user experience. This practical exercise is a valuable addition to the book’s overall learning journey.

“Tech Simplified” delivers on its promise, introducing readers to a vast array of tech concepts, potentially exceeding 250+. While absorbing every detail in a single read might be challenging, the book empowers you to build a solid foundation. The clear explanations make complex topics understandable, even for non-technical individuals.

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“Tech Simplified” ignites a journey of exploration within the realm of technology. The knowledge gained from this book empowers you to ask insightful questions, collaborate effectively, and navigate the technical aspects of product development with newfound confidence.

Whether you’re a complete beginner or seeking to strengthen your technical foundation, this book is an excellent resource. It equips you with the tools to thrive in today’s digital landscape, making it a must-read for anyone looking to demystify technology and unlock its potential.



Charu Bishnoi

A storyteller with a tech twist, translating ideas into experiences that connect and inspire.