The History of Batteries (Battery #1)

Charu Bishnoi
5 min readJun 8, 2024


Since the invention of the light bulb, our world has become increasingly reliant on portable power. From powering our smartphones to keeping our cars running, batteries have become an essential part of our daily lives. But how did these remarkable devices come to be? In this first part of this blog series on batteries, we’ll delve into the fascinating history of battery development, exploring how we went from simple stacks of metal to the sophisticated power sources we use today.

Photo by Roberto Sorin on Unsplash

Early Batteries

Voltaic Pile (1800)

  • Inventor: Alessandro Volta.
  • Description: The first true battery, consisting of stacked discs of copper and zinc separated by cardboard soaked in saltwater.
  • Significance: Provided a steady current and laid the groundwork for future battery technology.
Photo credit: Wikipedia (

Functioning of Voltaic Pile

To understand how the Voltaic Pile generates electricity, it’s essential to delve into the electrochemical reactions occurring within it, specifically oxidation and reduction reactions.

Basic Concept of Oxidation and Reduction

Oxidation: It involves the loss of electrons. In the context of a battery, the substance that loses electrons is oxidized.

Reduction: It involves the gain of electrons. In a battery, the substance that gains electrons is reduced.

These reactions always occur simultaneously in what is known as a redox (reduction-oxidation) reaction.

The Voltaic Pile Reactions

In the Voltaic Pile, the electrochemical reactions occur between the zinc and copper discs, facilitated by the electrolyte (saltwater).

Anode (Zinc Disc) — Oxidation Reaction:

The zinc disc undergoes oxidation. Zinc atoms lose electrons and become zinc ions. This reaction releases electrons, which travel through the external circuit to the copper disc.

Zn (s) → Zn^{2+} (aq) + 2e^-

Cathode (Copper Disc) — Reduction Reaction:

The copper disc undergoes reduction. Electrons from the external circuit reduce hydrogen ions in the electrolyte to form hydrogen gas. This can be represented by the reaction where hydrogen ions gain electrons to form hydrogen gas.

2H^+ (aq) + 2e^- → H_2 (g)

Flow of Electrons and Ions

  1. Electron Flow: Electrons released from zinc atoms at the anode travel through the external circuit (providing electric current) to the copper cathode.
  2. Ion Flow: Zinc ions formed at the anode dissolve into the electrolyte. In the electrolyte, hydrogen ions are reduced at the copper cathode, forming hydrogen gas.

Daniell Cell (1836)

  • Inventor: John Frederic Daniell.
  • Description: Improved stability and efficiency over the Voltaic Pile, using copper and zinc in separate compartments with a porous barrier.
  • Significance: Widely used in telegraphy and other early electrical devices.
Photo credit: Wikipedia (

Lead-Acid Battery (1859)

  • Inventor: Gaston Planté.
  • Description: The first rechargeable battery, utilizing lead dioxide and sponge lead in a sulfuric acid solution.
  • Significance: Still used in many applications today, including car batteries.
  • Drawback: Low energy density and a relatively short lifespan.

Components of a Lead-Acid Battery

  1. Anode (Negative Plate): Made of spongy lead.
  2. Cathode (Positive Plate): Made of lead dioxide.
  3. Electrolyte: A solution of sulfuric acid.
  4. Separator: A non-conductive material that prevents the anode and cathode from touching but allows ionic flow.

Electrochemical Reactions

The functioning of a lead-acid battery is based on redox (reduction-oxidation) reactions during both discharge and charge cycles.

Photo credit: Club Assist (

Discharge Cycle:

During discharge, the battery converts stored chemical energy into electrical energy. The overall chemical reaction can be represented as:

PbO_2 (cathode) + Pb (anode) + 2H_2SO_4 (electrolyte) → 2PbSO_4 + 2H_2O

This can be broken down into the following reactions:

At the Anode (Oxidation): Lead reacts with sulfate ions to form lead sulfate and releases electrons.

Pb (s) + SO_4^{2−} (aq) → PbSO_4 (s) + 2e−

At the Cathode (Reduction): Lead dioxide reacts with hydrogen ions , sulfate ions, and electrons to form lead sulfate and water.

PbO_2 (s) + 4H^{+} (aq) + SO_4^{2−} (aq) + 2e− → PbSO_4 (s) + 2H_2O (l)

Charge Cycle:

During charging, electrical energy is converted back into chemical energy, reversing the discharge reactions. The overall reaction for charging can be written as:

2PbSO_4 + 2H_2O → PbO_2 (cathode) + Pb (anode) + 2H_2SO_4 (electrolyte)

This can be broken down into the following reactions:

At the Anode (Reduction): Lead sulfate is converted back to lead, releasing sulfate ions .

PbSO_4 (s) + 2e− → Pb (s) + SO_4^{2−} (aq)

At the Cathode (Oxidation): Lead sulfate reacts with water to form lead dioxide, hydrogen ions, and sulfate ions.

PbSO_4 (s) + 2H_2O (l) → PbO_2 (s) + 4H^{+} (aq) + SO_4^{2−} (aq) + 2e^−

How It Works in Practice

  1. Discharge Process: When the battery is discharging, lead at the anode reacts with sulfuric acid to produce lead sulfate, electrons, and hydrogen ions. At the same time, lead dioxide at the cathode reacts with sulfuric acid and electrons to also produce lead sulfate and water.
  2. Electron Flow: The electrons released at the anode travel through the external circuit, providing electrical energy to power devices, and return to the cathode.
  3. Ionic Movement: Inside the battery, sulfate ions move from the electrolyte to both electrodes, maintaining the balance of charge.
  4. Charging Process: During charging, an external power source pushes electrons back into the battery, reversing the chemical reactions. Lead sulfate at both electrodes is converted back into lead, lead dioxide, and sulfuric acid, restoring the battery to its original state.

20th Century Innovations

Nickel-Cadmium (NiCd) Battery

  • Development: Early 1900s.
  • Description: Rechargeable battery using nickel oxide hydroxide and metallic cadmium as electrodes, with an electrolyte typically composed of potassium hydroxide solution.
  • Significance: Popular in early portable electronics but faced issues with memory effect and environmental concerns due to cadmium toxicity.
Pic Credit: Electricity Magnetism (

Nickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH) Battery

  • Development: 1980s.
  • Description: Improved upon NiCd with higher capacity and reduced environmental impact by using a hydrogen-absorbing alloy instead of cadmium.
  • Significance: Became common in consumer electronics and hybrid vehicles.
  • Drawback: Self-discharge over time, leading to reduced shelf life.
Pic Credit: Electricity Magnetism (

As we’ve seen, battery technology has come a long way since its humble beginnings. From the early Voltaic Pile to the rechargeable lead-acid battery, these innovations paved the way for the development of more efficient and portable power sources. But the story doesn’t end here!

In the next part of this series, we’ll explore the rise of lithium-ion batteries and their revolutionary impact on our modern world.



Charu Bishnoi

A storyteller with a tech twist, translating ideas into experiences that connect and inspire.