Purple Skies

CD Williams
5 min readDec 22, 2023


Encounters with the Passage of Time

Photo by Marc Sendra Martorell on Unsplash

In the enchanting realm where reality and dreams converge, a captivating hue blankets the skies — purple. This color encapsulates enchantment, wisdom, and the fleeting essence of time itself. When we gaze at these mesmerizing purple skies, their shades gracefully transitioning from dusk to dawn, we are reminded of life’s intricate patterns, where the passage of time holds profound significance. Always.

Picture a world where every moment is infused with the tones of purple, a place where the very air we breathe carries the essence of enchantment. Here, time is not an unyielding force but a gentle companion, guiding us along a meandering path of elegance and illumination. It whispers secrets in the language of symbolism and motifs, beckoning us to embrace its ethereal presence.

As we journey through the tapestry of this mystical realm, we encounter a solitary figure, a wanderer known solely as the Timekeeper. Draped in robes adorned with amethyst hues and embellished with galaxies of stars, the Timekeeper embodies the wisdom accumulated over eons. With each step, footprints are left behind, echoing the passage of time and serving as reminders of the beauty found within life’s ever-changing landscapes.

The wanderer’s expedition leads them through ethereal forests, where ancient trees stand tall, donning amethyst leaves that shimmer in the gentle glow of twilight. Whispers of forgotten knowledge float upon the breeze, carrying messages from the past and visions of the future. Here, time stands still, allowing for introspection and honoring the cycles of growth and transformation.

Nestled within the heart of this mystic realm lies the Temple of Illumination, a sanctuary brimming with profound insight. Its grand archways and intricately crafted stained glass windows depict celestial wonders, painted with shades of violet and indigo. Inside these sacred halls, truth-seekers gather to witness the mesmerizing dance of time and light, forever awed by its mystical power.

At the center of the temple, a radiant clock towers above, gracefully spinning its hands. Each tick represents an irreplaceable second, reminding us to treasure every fleeting moment. The clock’s face is adorned with elaborate motifs, symbols that signify the voyage of life — wisdom, love, growth, and resilience. It testifies that the passage of time should not be feared but rather embraced as a profound gift.

As the wanderer gazes at the purple skies, they are transported into a transcendent state. In this moment, the boundaries between past, present, and future dissolve, leaving only the raw essence of existence. They witness the fragility of a butterfly’s flight and the perseverance of a flower breaking through the barriers of time. They comprehend that it is within the embrace of passing time that true selves are discovered, and the courage to embark on new journeys is found.

Deep within the Temple of Illumination, truth-seekers find solace amidst the sands of time. The sacred space within these majestic archways holds the key to unlocking a profound understanding of the transient nature of existence, instilling a profound appreciation for the hidden beauty within each fleeting moment.

As seekers step across its threshold, an array of colors dances upon the stained glass windows, harmoniously blending vibrant hues of purple and indigo. Each shard of glass holds a story, capturing fragments of time and the essence of past experiences.

The grand hall of the temple is adorned with tapestries depicting scenes from different eras. From birth to death, from sunrise to sunset, vividly portrayed moments remind seekers that time is not an adversary but a generous gift. These tapestries weave a narrative of interconnectedness, illustrating how the past, present, and future unite in a delicate dance.

In the heart of the temple stands a magnificent hourglass, its glass chamber filled with grains of purple sand. As seekers observe, the sand cascades gracefully, serving as a reminder that every grain represents a fleeting moment. The hourglass becomes a symbol of both transience and eternity, urging those in its presence to cherish each precious second.

Embedded within the temple walls lie ancient texts and scriptures, sharing wisdom and guiding seekers on their quest for truth. These teachings speak of mindfulness, encouraging individuals to be fully present in every passing moment. Seekers learn that embracing the profound gift of time lies not in clinging to the past or longing for the future but in observing and savoring the present.

Within the hallowed halls of the Temple of Illumination, seekers engage in contemplation and meditation, immersing themselves in the whispers of silence. Here, they confront their own mortality, allowing the impermanence of life to fuel a deep appreciation for the here and now.

As seekers depart from the temple, they carry with them a renewed perspective on time — one that values even the smallest or seemingly insignificant moments. They understand that by embracing the present, they truly embrace the beauty of existence itself.

Purple Skies —

Photo by FLY:D on Unsplash

Firstly, thank you for reading! And for reading up until this point.


The color purple is often associated with wisdom, spirituality, and intuition. It represents a deeper understanding of the world around us and the experiences we go through. By painting the skies in this enchanting hue, the story suggests that time holds profound insights and lessons for us to learn.

Secondly, the shifting shades of purple as the skies transition from dusk to dawn reflect the ever-changing nature of time. Each moment carries its own unique beauty and significance, just as each shade of purple contributes to the overall allure of the sky. This reminds us to appreciate the present moment and embrace the transient nature of time.

Furthermore, the presence of the Timekeeper as a central figure underscores the importance of time in shaping our lives. The Timekeeper, draped in robes embellished with galaxies of stars, represents the accumulation of wisdom and experience over the ages. This characterizes time as a guide, offering us opportunities for growth, introspection, and transformation.

Lastly, the Temple of Illumination within the mystical realm serves as a sanctuary for profound insight. Here, time seems to stand still, allowing individuals to delve deeper into their own thoughts and reflections. This symbolizes the idea that by embracing the passage of time and being present in each moment, we can gain a greater understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

Until next time,


