How Long Does A Rock Climbing Rope Last?

Answer: Not long enough…

Chase Cottle
3 min readMar 24, 2017

Do you remember the first time that you had a relationship with someone and things were just great? It was probably in the summer and you had all sorts of awkward fun since you were young and had no idea what you were doing, but it was cool because you liked each other. Then one day it just abruptly ended for some arbitrary reason that you couldn’t control.

Turns out it only lasted a month or so…

This was my first rope that I purchased to start climbing outside, first rope that was all mine and I was super stoked about it. Purchased it on nearly a whim, because I was tired of not climbing outside and relying on others’ gear to be able to do so. Naturally, I went to REI and talked to a nice guy there for about 10 min about my options and picked out this rope.

Looking back, I had zero experience with what I was looking for or needed, I just wanted it and was ready to purchase. I spent way more than I wanted to, but just went for it anyway.

I ended up picking out a rather expensive, dual-patterned, dry-treated, Alex Honnold endorsed rope. I was way more than stoked about it.

A solid 9.9mm rope, 70 meters.



Chase Cottle

Co-founder. CTO. Entrepreneur. Love marketing, data science, and tech. Free time: snowboarding, mountain biking, rock climbing and any other adrenaline activity