My 2017 Goal Agenda

Thoughts for the upcoming year of fun and growth

Chase Cottle
4 min readDec 31, 2016

The New Year is nearly here. 2017 here we come. I’m excited for it, should be a good one. It’s an odd numbered year, but I’ve had a few good years on odd numbers. Besides that fact, the New Year is a time that we all seem to look inward a bit more and make resolutions for the New Beginning, and take the opportunity to affect change in our lives.

I’m a fan of it, I think you should first review your year that has just passed. What went well, what didn’t work out so well? Once you’ve really gone through that, then you can start planning what you want to change.

The basics of successful changes:

  1. What to change?
  2. What to change to?
  3. How will you change it?

That’s it, but most of us skip the first step, and just start thinking about what we want to change to, rather than identifying the correct thing or things to change first.

That is the framework, however, I don’t really want to share all my personal things I want to change, I think that should remain relatively personal… However, there are a few goals I hope to share with everyone, and things that I’ll be able to accomplish this year.

#1 Climb in Yosemite National Park

I’ve really wanted to do this since this past summer. I’ve been climbing more seriously for that last 2 years. I’m not the best out there, but there are so many climbs in Yosemite that look like amazing fun. They are mostly trad which would be a new experience for me.

So I’ll need to obtain some trad gear, and learn about the differences with that style of climbing and find a few partners to help out, but I think it’s possible. It’s not too far away, and there are plenty I don’t have to free solo like Alex Honnold.

I hope to accomplish this goal by end of August 2017.

#2 Publish My First Book

This daily writing has been quite the experiment. Some days have been rather good, others have been pretty lame, and I realize that. However, I do believe that I’ve had a few really good pieces.

I plan on going back through all my writings and doing a bit of editing and compilation to get something I’m satisfied with, and then publishing it. I don’t care much about selling it, but would like to be able to say I published a book that I wrote.

I plan on having this done by next holiday season, and would love to give away a bunch of them to friends and family, and all who would enjoy a copy.

#3 Design and Sell A Physical Product

I’ve always been interested in physical products, and this year I’m going to produce my own product that I can in turn sell.

Maybe I’ll run a kickstarter, or other crowdfunding campaign. But I’d love to get something to market this year. I have a few ideas, and have one that is in the works already, so maybe I’ll do a couple this year.

Keep an eye out for updates about my product, it’ll be rad.

#4 Crush Data Better

In 2016 I became a “Data Scientist” per a few different peoples definitions and opinions. When I talk to real data scientists, I’m not really anywhere near their level. However, I gained a ton of knowledge in the field and figured out a lot of amazing things that we’ve been able to productize and apply in our business. I’d love to really take that to the next level, and get far better at it.

Better at data engineering and using python to move data around and analyze what’s happening. Better at dashboard design and ways to display data results. Most of all, better and faster at providing accurate data driven results for all our clients.

Data is rad, and I’m super interested in it. Looking forward to crushing data far better this year.

#5 Manage $1,000,000 / Month In Ad Spend

I’d love to see our team reach this milestone, where we are profitably spending, on behalf of our own offers and our clients’ offers One Million dollars per month. Our longer range goal is to process that much per day, but if in 2017 we achieved 1MM / month I’d be incredibly stoked.

#6 Summit Mt. Rainier

Over the next 5–10 years I’d like to Summit a lot of different peaks. I love being outside, and I love a good hardworking adventure. So Mt. Rainier is first up on that list of ones I’d like to accomplish. It requires some substantial training and preparation, all of which will help me be in and maintain the shape necessary to accomplish that goal.

#7 Go To South America

I’ve never been there. I’ve heard it’s awesome. So I want to go. Probably Brazil or Argentina or Chile… I’d love to go see Patagonia. Go climbing, or snowboarding or surfing or all the above. Sounds like a fun adventure.

#8 Become A Better Leader

Our team is growing, and there is almost nothing more that I’d love to see than everyone who comes onboard to be successful, fulfilled, grow in knowledge and have confidence in their abilities. I’d love to be a catalyst that helps make that possible for them, and for our company.

So yeah, 2017 will be a good year. I’m pretty stoked for it. As you think about your goals and dreams, ask yourself, “What’s stopping me from achieving that goal this year?”



Chase Cottle

Co-founder. CTO. Entrepreneur. Love marketing, data science, and tech. Free time: snowboarding, mountain biking, rock climbing and any other adrenaline activity