You know, this is a problem we've seen in the formal methods community for about 50 years: your…In the first example, you told it in the signature that sum_of_squares is a function from a vector of floats into a float.Jun 8, 20231Jun 8, 20231
Five Pro Tips for Programming Articles That Will Preserve My Last NerveTry to be useful. Try to be saying something new. Try to be clear.Aug 4, 20214Aug 4, 20214
The only problem being that this doesn't work: if the args dict doesn't have a value for the…```Jul 16, 2021Jul 16, 2021
Okay, seriously, this table is nearly uniformly wrong.The technical term you were looking for is that "side effects". In a functional program, the functions have no side effects. In OO, the…Jul 14, 20211Jul 14, 20211
Maybe you're in the wrong major?Anyway, here's the deal: you can be a coder after a bootcamp. I've got nothing against them; I've taught in three different ones and…Jun 28, 20211Jun 28, 20211
One token: """Wrap the whole string in """With subject AS ...""" and you get rid of all the nasty \ line endings — which are also notorious bug traps…Jun 24, 20211Jun 24, 20211
Light bulbs have lifetimes while burning that are characterized by an exponential distribution…May 26, 2021May 26, 2021