Happy Messaging With Your Parents — Is It Possible?

2 min readMay 22, 2018


By Team Actual

Technology is used very differently by different generations, so in situations when there’s miscommunication with, say, older parents, the problem can be greatly amplified by the device we’re using.

But don’t worry — there are simple ways to make these conversations better for everyone! At Ixy Labs, we’ve been conducting research and discovered best practice tips you too can learn:

Be in charge:

Parents naturally worry for their children’s well-being and performance, and many will use technology, especially chat apps, to check up on us for information: How are you? Where are you? What happened with X or Y?

This can be frustrating for adult children who, quite normally, want to feel they have control over their own lives.

A good way to prevent this type of scrutiny is by informing your parents regularly — in a proactive way! — about what’s going on. This will create a certain routine, so they don’t have to “chase” you for information. (It can take some time to get used to, but is really worth the effort.)

Presume the best:

It’s perfectly OK to find unexpected texts annoying sometimes, but simply presuming the best intentions of the other person can go a long way. People do feel when their message is met by defensive or negative emotions, which can make such exchanges quickly escalate. When in doubt by what a message may mean, why not presume the more positive option, and see where that takes you?

Compliment them:

Again, something that sounds super simple, but is really hard to do in practice. Because the truth is your parents aren’t only worried about your performance, but that of their own, too.

Reassuring your parents that they’re doing a great job at *being your parents* will prevent countless arguments and make everyone’s life happier.

Thank them for checking up on you. For having given you advice. For the things they’re really good at. The best thing is, this will not only make them more relaxed, but also remind you of how much they mean to you.


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Actual is an AI mediated chat app for happier relationships. — Formerly known as Ixy. — WAITING LIST: http://actual.chat Twitter: @Actual_Chat