Empowering Tanzania’s Future: The Rise of a Regenerative Finance (ReFi) & Economy. What does it mean for Tanzania?

7 min readSep 21, 2023


In recent years, Tanzania has been on a remarkable journey towards economic growth and development. Yet, as the nation strides forward, it faces the imperative challenge of sustainability. Traditional financial systems often prioritize short-term gains over long-term well-being, leaving communities and the environment at risk.

Regenerative Finance in Tanzania

It is in this context that the concept of Regenerative Finance or “ReFi” emerges, offering Tanzania a path to economic prosperity that also nurtures its people and environment. A powerful movement transforming our approach to prosperity, positive-sum benefits, and most importantly embracing the well-being of both people and nature. With the emergence of disruptive technologies such as Blockchain, AI & Web3 technologies, a new era of verified regeneration and impact is dawning. Through blockchain’s features of transparency, trust, and immutability, we’re designing innovative ways to exchange value and tackle climate challenges as well as empower community governance from within. Our aim is to build a circular economy that ensures sustainability. But how do we embark on this journey?

Managing Our Precious Resources

The first step is understanding what our community needs to thrive. These essentials — water, energy, raw materials — form the bedrock of our existence. To chart our course, we must conduct a thorough survey of all resources in our communities: minerals, wind farms, arable land, trees, water sources as well as waste.

A Maasai maintaining eco-system of their habitats

By mapping out these resources, we’re creating a foundation for a sustainable ecosystem that safeguards and tracks these valuable assets.

Our task doesn’t stop at identifying resources. We must also monitor their use and regeneration rates. Just as we rely on these resources, they rely on us to use them responsibly. We need to find harmony between consumption and replenishment. This can be achieved through blockchain technology and tools like IoT, Oracle, or dMRV, which enable real-time tracking across our vast landscapes. Embracing the concept of Systems Theory, we recognize that our world is interconnected, and true wealth encompasses more than just financial gain — it’s about the well-being of our entire ecosystem.

Strategic Production for a Better Tomorrow

Our focus shifts to production, where optimizing sustainability is paramount. We must treat resources as finite treasures and strategically preserve them. Not all resources are equal; some, like oil, harm the environment more than others. Prioritizing reduction, reuse, and eco-friendly materials can help us curb destructive impacts. Technology, such as electronics, must also be designed with environmental longevity in mind, making updates easy and components interchangeable.

Efficient Distribution for a Greener Planet

In the distribution phase, we need efficiency and energy-conscious choices. Minimizing transportation energy and localizing production are key strategies. We must design goods for durability, reducing waste and conserving resources. And when items reach the end of their life, they should be easily harvested or recycled. These resource-preserving strategies can be harnessed through technology and calculations that guide us toward the best sustainable practices.

Meeting Demand Responsibly

Understanding what goods people truly need is central to our mission. From necessities like food and shelter to social and recreational items, demand shapes our production. By employing blockchain technology, we can accurately track and manage demand and distribution, akin to how a library manages its inventory. Ownership might not always be the answer; shared access models can be more efficient and less wasteful.

A Unified Vision for a Thriving Tanzania

As we weave these threads together — resource management, sustainable production, efficient distribution, and responsive demand — we craft a dynamic economy that’s both logical and empirical. This approach empowers us to protect our finite resources, create strategic goods, and distribute them efficiently. It’s a journey toward unity, harmony, and sustainability, securing the future of Tanzania for generations to come.

Why does it matter to Tanzania?

  • Community Well-Being: By directing resources towards marginalized communities and empowering them with fair wages and opportunities, Regenerative Finance contributes to social equity and well-being
  • The need for Community Heroes: Many Tanzanian communities rely on industries like farming and waste management. Regenerative Finance helps these folks out with sustainable practices and fair wages — making them the real heroes of this story!
  • Long-Term Treasure Hunt: Regenerative Finance is all about investing in the long game. Think of it as burying treasure that keeps growing and never loses its shine.

The Perks of Regenerative Finance for Tanzania

  • Economic Growth Galore: Forget the myth that sustainability slows us down. Regenerative Finance supports and fosters industries with staying power, creating jobs and regenerators full of sustainable revenue.
  • Happier Communities: By spreading the wealth and opportunities, Regenerative Finance makes sure everyone gets a piece of the cake. That means happier, healthier communities!
  • Nature’s Custodians: Regenerative Finance helps us stop Mother Nature from giving us the silent treatment. It encourages renewable energy, conservation, and sustainable farming — our environment’s best buddies!
  • A Super Regenerative Tanzania: In a world that changes faster than a chameleon’s skin, Regenerative Finance helps Tanzania become super-resilient where we can face and tackle global challenges like a pro.

Case study Examples of Regenerative Finance Applications in Tanzania

  1. Chatafisha: Regenerating Marginalized communities on-chain & Empowering waste pickers

Chatafisha comes from two Swahili words, Chata meaning mark and Safisha meaning cleaning. Climate change and Carbon emissions are increasingly worrying factors in the world we live in today yet less attention is paid to. In Africa, we have a serious waste management issue and the exploitative nature of the industry. Waste pickers face these exploitations the most, receiving a mere $0.1 despite doing most of the offsetting work. We are looking to significantly raise that.

At Chatafisha, we are building a blockchain based infrastructure (dApp) that provides a comprehensive solution for calculating, tracking and offsetting carbon footprints through waste pickers.

We have also integrated a gamification aspect with Carbon-backed NFTs containing Metadata of the offsets such as name, location, type of waste and amount. There will be a leaderboard game where weekly winners receive various incentives for their participation. Talk about Impact to Earn.

It also features sub-wallets for Financial inclusion in the form of transactions and rewards, ensuring secure and transparent financial transactions between waste pickers, waste collection points, offsetters and future buyers of eco-products. As most of these stakeholders are unbanked, the scoring systems unlock another avenue for them in the form of microlending opportunities which they are unable to currently access.

2. Open Forest Network: Kisampa Conservancy

Open Forest Protocol (OFP) is a scalable open platform that allows forest projects of any size, from around the world, to Measure, Report, and Verify (MRV) their forestation data. Through OFP, individuals, communities, NGOs, entrepreneurs, and governments are able to create transparent, immutable, proof-of-impact data that is comprehensively verified by a network of independent experts.

Kisampa in Tanzania is a 60 square kilometre private community conservancy set in a pristine, wild area in Coastal Tanzania in the Bagamoyo district. Founded in 2003, the Conservancy is located within the village of Matipwilli, adjoining Saadani National Park to the north east, with the perennial Wami River as its southern boundary.

Overview of Kisampa conservancy

As quoted from Open Forest Protocol’s article, “Here, the multiple habitats and diverse abundance of tree and shrub species attract a large variety of wildlife. Having a long established history of protecting the area from unsustainable exploitation, the conservancy strives to work hand in hand with the local communities, engaging locals in this socially and environmentally responsible project that helps to protect the area and bring money and resources directly back to the communities.”

3. Treegens

Treegens are building a movement of Regenerators through transparent and rewarding tree planters through the use of Blockchain & Web3 technologies. They are tokenizing mangrove trees through verification of Proof of Plant. Treegens earn tokens by planting mangrove trees, which are verified by their AI & Decentralized Autonomous Organization. They recently broke the world record for planting the most trees at 25,244 mangroves in 21.5 hours in Kigamboni Tanzania. Pretty amazing right?

Treegens record breaking achievement

In Conclusion: It’s a Regenerative Rumble!

Regenerative Finance or ReFi offers Tanzania a path to sustainable prosperity, aligning economic growth with social equity and environmental preservation. As the nation continues its journey of development, embracing Regenerative Finance principles can safeguard Tanzania’s natural beauty, empower its people, and ensure long-term resilience in the face of global challenges. ReFi is the superhero Tanzania needs. It keeps our nature intact, our communities thriving, and our future secure. Projects like Chatafisha are already showing us that this financial adventure isn’t just exciting; it’s making Tanzania even more amazing.

So, join us on this epic safari through Regenerative Finance. Together, we can ensure a sustainable, equitable future for all! Follow us on Twitter @Chatafisha, and join our WhatsApp & Discord communities.




A Decentralized Autonomous Organization in Tanzania regenerating disadvantaged communities on-chain