Monitor Your WebApplications & Websites with Uptime Kuma

Chathushka Rodrigo
5 min readDec 30, 2023

“Ever wondered what to do after designing and developing your CI/CD for a project you love working on?

Well, it’s time to consider monitoring your legendary application with Uptime Kuma. Don’t worry; it’s completely free and open-source, so you won’t have to pay any licensing fees for this.”

Much Better 🫂

You can host Uptime Kuma on your local machine as well, better to use containers in that case ;).

In this article i will be doing a demo hosting it on a free-container hosting platform known as Render

Note that Render is free to use but it only supports stateless apps , for production-level use cases better to go with a cloud/on-prem server

Lets Get Started 💻!

If you are willing to try out Kuma along with the article , feel free to use Render or locally deploy ,

Go ahead and select “Web Service” , once again this free to use so dont be nervous

Since we are deploying using Docker-Containers , lets go ahead with “Image Deploy”

The image you want to deploy is “louislam/uptime-kuma” , since this is stored in DockerHub , you can easily use the image by “Louislam

Give it name you like , for this demo purpose ill be going with “Free” option,

Note : Free Tier is mostly stateless , so it doesnt store data even after awhile uptime kuma application you hosted will be restarted again and need to get configured again

And yes , free tier CPU & RAM is mostly sufficent enough to run the docker image.

Now Render will start deploying your application , wait til the status is “Live”.

Once its ready , click on the url on your dashboard for me its

Give it username and a password at creation, and login

Alright you are mostly there now , could you believe how easy it was just to deploy this super awesome service ?

Create Your Monitors 🌐

There are more than several monitor types you can chose from , But to check Uptime i will be using HTTP(s) Monitor Type.

Note that you can use other types as well based on your case scenario

You can go ahead customize the default settings as you want based on your specific use case.

Alerts 🔔!

Yes this is super essential even though its optional on Kuma.

There are several more alert services you can configure !

But i will be using Slack for this demo.

If you are using Slack to notify , create a new “Incoming Webhook” app and use the webhook URL to this.

If you are using any other alerting service follow the requirements that is required by Kuma

Voila ! Now you got a cool dashboard with your monitors in check !

Let me a add another website as the status is “down”

Likewise you can monitor multiple websites/webapps with this powerful tool.

And these graph UI’s are really Interactive !

Even when we recieve Website status changes , your alerting mechanism will notify you promptly

This sample Uptime Alerts that is triggered when the website status changes.

Way better so that you do not have to monitor through the dashboard 24/7

Bonus 😁

You can even create status pages which are available to the public. Best part is you dont need an account to view these pages

Click on Next

Customize this page however you want

Create Incidents based on events ,

There you go , Now you can share the status page URL with your team and monitor.

Hope this article was somewhat informative and helpful !

