Death Becomes Her

A small glimpse into your history, our history… American History

Christie Glascoe
1 min readFeb 8, 2017

I surrender to you, Deep Blue.
Into your abyss, I come… willingly… desperately.
Take me in your arms.
Softly… lovingly whisper your promises to me again…
No more chains… no more pain.
Make my body heavy with your mercy.
Hold me under.
Take me home.
Let my lungs fill with sweet freedom.
Yes… yes… beautiful death.
Now, I can finally breathe.

This is an installment in a Black History Series project I had the pleasure of creating words for. This one is my most favorite images in the series (so far). It is so beautiful in its tragedy… knowing that this woman would rather drown than reach the shore and enter a life of bondage. Photographer, Carey Bradshaw, masterfully captured the agony and ecstasy of her death. Above are the words I added to it. It’s not just Black History… It’s American History!

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Christie Glascoe

Published Author, Editor, Creativity Coach, Screenwriter and other random acts of “Creative Adulting.”