OYO Token: A Lifelong Dividend for Smart Investors.

Crypto Corner
4 min readMay 28, 2023

Investing in cryptocurrencies can be a rollercoaster ride, with unpredictable ups and downs. However, OYO Token is changing the game by offering a unique proposition — lifelong dividends for its buyers. In a sea of tokens, OYO Token stands out with its exceptional features and promising returns. Let’s delve into the world of OYO Token and explore why it has become the best project of 2023.

Understanding OYO Token (Oyori)

Oyori is a decentralized application built on the Polygon blockchain that has gained significant popularity by offering an enticing distribution model, an auto-adjusting conceived and consume component, and an extended period of frictionless, passive income in the form of MATIC coin.

Considered one of the most promising projects on the Polygon Blockchain, OYO Token leverages intelligent dApp agreements to generate passive revenue. Its strong community, engaging events, and innovative changes in the realm of digital currency make it an exciting venture to watch closely.

The Power of OYO Token

OYO Token, also known as Oyori Token, serves as the official native token of the Oyori ecosystem. Holders of OYO Token benefit from the self-generating payment system embedded within the OYO smart contract. This community-driven project ensures the dissemination and reward of MATIC among its token holders under specific conditions.

To acquire OYO Token, you can purchase it with MATIC on the Polygon Blockchain through the Oyori dApp, accessible via Trustwallet or MetaMask. Since OYO Token is acquired using MATIC rather than traditional fiat currencies, any increase in its value can lead to profitable returns. Moreover, OYO Token holders have the flexibility to sell their tokens at any time, making it a customizable investment option.

Unveiling the Lifelong Dividends

One of the key highlights of OYO Token is its dividend distribution mechanism, which provides a lifelong income stream to token holders. Once you purchase OYO Token, you automatically become eligible to receive dividends as other buyers start acquiring the token.

The dividend you receive is a direct result of the buying and selling transactions that occur after your initial purchase. Most importantly, by holding OYO Token for life, you can generate a sustainable income through dividends.

The instant dividend is distributed to all existing OYO Token holders based on the proportion of their holdings. In simple terms, the more OYO tokens you hold, the higher your dividend payout. Unlike traditional dividends in fiat currency, OYO Token dividends are paid out in MATIC coins, which can be withdrawn immediately.

Here’s how the dividend distribution works

  • When an OYO Token is purchased, a total of 10% of the transaction value is distributed proportionally among all OYO Token holders.
  • When an OYO Token is sold, 10% of the proceeds are also distributed proportionally to all OYO Token holders.

Buying OYO Token: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re ready to seize the opportunity and become an OYO Token holder, follow these simple steps:

  1. Install Trustwallet or MetaMask and configure them to operate on the Polygon Network.
  2. Access the dApps section of Trustwallet or MetaMask and paste the following link: https://oyori.io/home/purchase/0x964Ed0150fb8A2c9EBc73A6D41bf49B7607EBD4E.
  3. Verify that you are connected to the Polygon Network, which can be confirmed by checking the top right corner of the screen.
  4. Once your wallet is connected, deposit and convert your MATIC into OYO Token.
  5. Congratulations! You are now the proud owner of Oyori Token and can look forward to daily dividends.

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Disclaimer: The information presented in this article represents the opinion of the author/advertiser and is intended for educational purposes only. It should not be considered as investment advice. Any investment decisions should be made after conducting independent research and consulting with financial professionals. The author and the article are not liable for any investment opinions expressed herein.

