“Allocating Limited Storage for Hadoop Cluster Nodes: A Guide to Controlled Contribution”

Mona Chawla
3 min readJan 14, 2024


What is Hadoop cluster?

A Hadoop cluster is a group of computers working together to store and process large amounts of data, much larger than what a single computer can handle. Think of it as a team of workers, each with their expertise and resources, collaborating to tackle a massive project.

Here’s a breakdown of what a Hadoop cluster looks like and how it works:


  • Nodes: These are the individual computers in the cluster. They can be physical servers, virtual machines, or even cloud instances. A typical cluster might have dozens or even hundreds of nodes.
  • Master node: This node acts as the brain of the cluster, coordinating tasks and managing resources. It includes:
  1. Name Node: Stores the location of all data in the cluster.

2. Resource Manager: Allocates resources (CPU, memory, etc.) to tasks running on the cluster.

Worker nodes: These nodes do the heavy lifting, processing, and storing data. They include:

  1. DataNode: Stores data chunks.

2. Node Manager: Monitors the health of the node and reports back to the Resource Manager.


  • Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS): A distributed file system that stores data across all the nodes in the cluster. This makes the data highly available and fault-tolerant, meaning even if one node fails, the data is still accessible.


  • MapReduce: A programming model for processing large datasets in parallel. Tasks are broken down into smaller, independent pieces (map phase) that can be run on different nodes in the cluster. The results are then combined (reduce phase) to produce the final output.

Benefits of using a Hadoop cluster:

  • Scalability: You can easily add or remove nodes to the cluster as your data needs grow.
  • Parallel processing: Tasks are distributed across multiple nodes, significantly speeding up processing time for large datasets.
  • Fault tolerance: Data is replicated across nodes, so even if one node fails, the data is still accessible.
  • Cost-effectiveness: You can use commodity hardware to build a Hadoop cluster, making it a more affordable option than traditional data warehousing solutions.

How to contribute a limited/specific amount of storage as a slave to the cluster:-

In a Hadoop cluster, contributing storage as a data node involves configuring the data node’s storage directories. In a Linux environment, you can achieve this by partitioning your storage device and configuring Hadoop to use specific partitions for data storage.

Here are the general steps to contribute limited/specific storage as a data node in a Hadoop cluster:

  1. Partition the Storage Device:
  • Use a tool like fdisk or parted to partition your storage device. You can create multiple partitions based on the amount of storage you want to contribute.
  • Format the partitions using a file system like ext4.

2. Mount the Partitions:

  • Mount the newly created partitions to specific directories. For example, you can mount the partitions at /data/partition1, /data/partition2, etc.

3. Configure Hadoop Data Node:

  • Edit the hdfs-site.xml file on the data node to specify the directories where Hadoop should store its data. This configuration file is usually located in the conf directory of your Hadoop installation.
  • Update the dfs.datanode.data.dir property to include the paths to the directories on the specific partitions you mounted.

4. Restart Hadoop Data Node:

  • After making these changes, restart the Hadoop Data Node so that it recognizes the new configuration.
$ hdfs-daemon.sh stop datanode
$ hdfs-daemon.sh start datanode

5. Verify Configuration:

  • Check the Hadoop logs and the web-based Hadoop cluster UI to ensure that the data node is using the specified directories.

By following these steps, you can contribute a limited/specific amount of storage as a data node to your Hadoop cluster. Keep in mind that these instructions are general, and the exact steps may vary depending on your Hadoop distribution and version. Always refer to the documentation specific to your Hadoop distribution for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Thank You !!

Happy Learning!!

