Angry Images: Chapter 3.

More beautiful images and why I don’t like them.

Chaz Hutton


Photo by Mélanie Croce on Unsplash

Look at this fucking Jellyfish. It has a mouth and an arsehole and no brain and just floats around in a kind of weightless daze. You know that beautiful half a second the moment after you wake up, but just before you realise you’re You? Yeah, well, that’s how this blissed-out, mindless mouth and arsehole lives its entire fucking life. Fuck this jellyfish and it’s superior state of being. We should have never evolved.

Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash

Look at these conformist almonds, corralled into an unnatural square by some unseen, ostensibly benevolent force. Lies. These oppressed almonds are everything you should fear, their uncomfortable square is nothing but your cage of socially constructed limitations. Admit it, you’ll never break free from being a happy little almond. Fuck these almonds. Fuck everything they represent.

Photo by Christiann Koepke on Unsplash

Oh fuck these fish and whoever’s cooking them. An open fire? a carefree drizzle of lemon? cooking them on bits of wood while that smoke…

