Photo by Ethan Sexton

Completely Useless Advice for Surviving Self Isolation.

Chaz Hutton


Not the advice you asked for, but still pretty good.

There’s been a lot of articles this week telling you the best ways to survive self isolation and how work from home and all that boring stuff (my own writing included).

Well to hell with that! Here’s the advice that you didn’t ask for but deep down, you know you need.

Let’s go.

  1. If you find it weird not having a commute in the morning, recreate the experience by farting in that really small cupboard that only stores a broom and then cram yourself in there for about 45 minutes while you listen to a podcast about people who’ve made the career change you’ve always been too scared to make yourself.
  2. Regularly move your furniture around so it feels like you’re in a completely different house, or alternatively, brush your teeth with your other hand so you feel like you’re a completely different person.
  3. Assemble your plants as an audience in your kitchen and do a cooking show for them every time you make food. This has the triple benefit of you ending up with food, some new friends and also feeling like a celebrity chef.
  4. You can’t go to the pub any more so instead, fill up two glasses of water and go “WHO WANTS A DRINK!?” to all your plants after the…

