Photo by Simone Hutsch on Unsplash

How to sound cool at a dinner party full of architects.

Time to update your archi-vocab

Chaz Hutton
3 min readMar 15, 2018


Back in University you made friends with just one architect, but because they seem to travel in packs, you then met the rest of them, and now suddenly 10 years down the road here you are, at a dinner party full of them, having to explain to the one person who doesn’t know you why you’re not an architect, and just what the hell you’re doing here.

You’ve thankfully managed to throw on some expensive black jeans, a crisp white shirt and a velvet jacket at least, so you’re at least blending in visually. But what are you saying? What words are you deploying here to impress these people?

Facade? Cantilever? Oh Please, these are pedestrian at best. Here’s the list of the ones you really want.

Oh, and remember, these will only work provided you say them all with complete conviction and a lot of grandiose hand gestures.


Let’s start this with a simple one: Almost everything is ‘Space’ in architecture: If you take a building and cut it in half, you’ll find they’re almost entirely empty and made up of air. It is important to call all these empty bits ‘spaces’.

This is not a “nice room” it’s a “lovely space”

