I Asked ChatGPT to Create Comics, Then I Drew Them.

Chaz Hutton
6 min readJan 13, 2023

By now you’ve likely heard of ChatGPT, the open AI chatbot that seemingly does everything from being able to write code, write essays for high school students, content for websites, or even explain the James Webb Telescope while pretending to be Bodhi from Point Break.

Predictably, the articles claiming AI was finally good enough to take everyone’s jobs all came out, quickly followed by all the articles claiming that actually, no, it probably won’t.

Which, as always, makes me start to wonder how far away AI is from doing what I do. In short, how good is this souless collection of 1’s and 0’s at drawing fairly basic and occasionally funny cartoons.

At first glance, it was good news…

Of course, not being able to draw should never stop you from going ahead and drawing comics, so I decided to ask the chatbot for a description of a comic instead.

